People slow to go online

Journal 11/2/1984

P3 De-lightful The DeLite Restaurant is nearing completion and expects to start serving delicious Chinese meals in the near future. Last year, if you wanted to eat Chinese meals you went to Mrs. Bing’s. Now you have a choice of Mrs Bing’s (Downtown), the Formosa (Rita) or DeLite (Delap) across from the Gateway Hotel. How’s that for development in the private sector.

P7 Coming up The Rita Elementary School PTA has been working evenings and Saturdays to complete their new cafeteria. Food Services is buying all the materials and equipment while the PTA volunteers do the work. This is another community project which is coming along nicely.

P10 Anedep games Kick, clap, clap, kick, clap, clap. That’s the rhythm you need for Anedep. The Alele Anedep Committee sponsored the event, which was won by Irooj Anjua Loeak’s team on UN Day last week. Charles Abraham showed off all the good moves of a champion anedep player. His team, the Dukes, came in third in the competition. Judges Bollong Joklur and Bwilej Jibas recorded the times and kept score at the anedep games. 

Journal 11/8/1996

P3 Foreign donors say Marshalls cuts on right track Key donor countries and agencies congratulated the Marshall Islands for cutting its workforce by 27 percent, balancing its budget for 1997, and reducing the losses of Air Marshall Islands.

P5 Majuro media blitz A contingent of “big hitters” from major diving, sports fishing and outdoor magazines arrive in Majuro this week on a promotional tour organized by the Outrigger Marshall Islands Resort.

P6 Four time winner This guy’s better than (or at least as good as) the Chicago Bulls, and he’s right here in Majuro. No kidding, you say? Yeah, that’s right. Gerry Smith is a four-time winner of WAC fame. During the Women’s Athletic Club’s annual fright nite Halloween bash, he has been a master of the costume. This past weekend, he lumbered into the MIC posing as a sumo wrestler, replete with a g-string and not too much else, except a pretty big pillow to get the 500-pound look. From the big laughs his suit (or lack thereof) and act generated, we thought he might win funniest. But instead, his efforts were rewarded with the “most sexy” prize of the night. Before this, he won the “most awesome” for his Elvis outfit, “ugliest” for his Hulk Hogan impersonation, and “the best” for this stint as a fly. Only one more prize to shoot for: scariest. Wait till next year, as the saying goes.

P15 Internet hookups move slowly The initial response to the availability of Internet service in the Marshall Islands has been disappointing, said National Telecommunications Authority Deputy General Manager Tommy deBrum. Only 13 people signed up for the service as of Monday this week.

Journal 11/9/2007

P10 Summit: Let’s take tourism to new level In an effort to step up tourism development, the Marshall Islands will conduct a series of strategic planning exercises through the end of 2007, including a Strategic Tourism Summit scheduled for November 9-10 in Majuro.

P18 US returns domestic PO November 19 is a big day for the Marshall Islands not only because it’s national Election Day. Local businesses are cheering because on November 19, US mail service to the RMI reverts back to domestic rates, which will dramatically cut costs for many importers. “The Marshall Islands Chamber of Commerce has been working on this issue for years, so it is really great for our membership to see this new policy,” said Chamber President Jack Niedenthal.


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