The Pacific International Inc. ship Michelle K, which started work in February, returned to Majuro Sunday after delivering 130,000 gallons of fuel to Ebeye. “This was the ship’s second trip,” said PII’s Kenneth Kramer. “The first was to deliver material to Ebeye for the boat ramp and other projects being done by Scott Howe.”
The next trip for the Marshalls’ new workhorse is to deliver, for a local contractor, water catchments. “We’re taking them to six or seven outer islands.”
When the Michelle K was blessed at a ceremony in mid-February, PII’s newly-constructed dock and its purse seiner net repair facility were also celebrated.
The dock is in big demand. “A purse seiner came in this morning (Monday) for water bunkering,” Kenneth said. “They’re buying fresh water from MWSC.”
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