Police have no transport

Journal 7/25/1986

P4 Hot party in Enid By all accounts it was a bit Marshallese celebration in every sense of the world: nearly 200 people, food enough to feed any army, singing and dancing, and volleyball, softball and basketball competitions. The occasion? July fourth weekend. The place: Enid, Oklahoma…where else? As unlikely as it might seem, Marshallese converted on Enid from all over the States: some drove for 28 hours to get there arriving from Costa Mesa and other parts of California, and small towns in Texas, Kansas, Arkansas and Oklahoma.

P15 Warning to parents MALGov Sheriff Mies Peter is getting tough on youth who violate the local government’s 10pm curfew. Je issued a warning to parents and teenagers this week to obey the law.

Journal 7/24/1998

P1 Gamblers shackled Gambling machines in Majuro were shut down and locked up by national and local government police last week Wednesday. Enforcing the recently passed Nitijela law banning gambling in the Marshall Islands, police obtained High Court search warrants authorizing them to seize 28 poker machines and moved on four establishments in the capital last week.

P1 Adoptions skyrocket The number of adoptions of Marshallese children by American families continues to rise at a fast rate. Since January this year, 63 adoptions have been approved or are in progress in the High Court on Majuro. This is more than for all of 1997. Three years ago, adoptions to outsiders were virtually non-existent.

P14 Muller: Praise for new group The hiring of a new, non-US government contractor to run the medical program for Rongelap and Utrok is a momentous step for improved healthcare delivery to those islands, said Marshall Islands Foreign Minister Phillip Muller. “It’s a big accomplishment,” he said of the change from Brookhaven National Laboratory to Pacific Health Research Institute based in Hawaii.

Journal 7/24/2009

P3 Enewetak shines Enewetak was the place to be to witness the total eclipse of the sun on Wednesday afternoon. “The weather was really good with no clouds and they say it got really dark,” Enewetak Local Government’s Neil Flores told the Journal. In Uliga, the eclipse was pretty much a non-event, with thick cloud hiding the sun as the moon crossed between it and Earth.Tourists who flew to Jaluit on the Dash-8 reportedly were also disappointed as MIVA’s Dolores deBrum, speaking to the Journal an hour before the eclipse, said it was “raining buckets.”

P14 Girls make an impact at WAM What do carpentry, “ma kwonjen” (breadfruit cooked on hot coals), and sailing have to do with each other? They are all likely to be happening during the course of a day’s activities at Waan Aelon in Majel, the Delap-based canoe building program. This summer, activities are at a peak, with 22 young people at the start of a six-month vocational and life skills training program, and another 25 high school students participating in a canoe, culture and vocational skills program graduating this Friday. With of the 22 six-month program participants are women, and eight of the 25 high school students are girls.

P21 Running for RMI A Marshall Islands national track team has been training hard for the last several months preparing to compete in the Oceania Championships to be held at the Gold Coast, Australia August 4-8. “The seven athletes who will proudly represent the RMI in a feweks are sprinters Phillip Poznanski, Jamodre Lalita, Junior Langinbelik, Desmond Asuo, and Barry Andrew and the two mid-distance runners are Charles Murphy and Thomas Lajwi,” said Barbara Fisher, the Marshall. Islands Athletic Federation Secretary General. “Edison Methuselah, MIAF Vice President, and Carlen Zedekiah from the School Enrichment Program, have been assisting team manager Daniel Andrew in coaching and preparing the team.”

P26 Lack of transport for cops The Journal was called to report scenes of crimes on several occasions last week after frustrated Majuro residents and even government ministries said their calls to both national and local police produced no response. The problem of delayed or even a lack of response for calls of help, according to national police detective Parker Wilson, is because national has only one vehicle working.


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