Journal 12/15/1982
P1 KMR-RepMar relations soured The landowner occupation of the Kwajalein Missile Range has been over for two months but relations between KMR and RepMar appear to be deteriorating. The seriousness of the current state of affairs was shown by KMR’s decision that the Kwaj Lodge was full when Chief Secretary Oscar deBrum and Assistant Attorney General Ray Carter went to Kwaj last week to wrap up loose ends so the Kwajalein landowners can be paid the $1.35 million left from the July 1982 land use payment. DeBrum and Carter wound up staying on Ebeye. While the RepMar officials did not protest the lack of hospitality, there were some indications that in fact the Kwaj Lodge was not full. In response to KMR’s restricting access to Kwaj, RepMar has restarted Kwaj residents’ access to Ebeye. Effective 6 December, those without RepMar entry permits must be invited by an Ebeye resident. Overnight stays are not allowed.
P1 New power plant working The new power plant started serving the whole power grid here December 14. Two of the four 3+ megawatt generator are undergoing tests. One generator is sufficient to carry the load, which peaked at 2.5 megawatts wound dinner time December 14.
P4 Lae airport open The new Lae airport opened December 13. Among VIP visitors were Paul Ishoda of Resources and Development, Senator Jollie Lojkar and Senator Ataji Balos who were greeted with flowers and a song. The flowers were plastic because Typhoon Pamela blew away all the real ones.
Journal 12/16/1994
P5 Lomor crew kept on their toes The crew of the Lomor have had a busy couple of weeks. First the downed pilot was rescued from the ocean. Then the Chinese fishing vessel was escorted to Majuro for fishing illegally off Namdik. Now a boom-boom has been rescued 16 miles from Maloelap.
Journal 12/9/2005
P1 Moon rises in the Nitijela As God’s anointed “true parent of humankind,” Rev. Sun Myung Moon told Marshall Islanders Saturday night that he is committed to bringing peace to the world to keep his promise to God. Despite a number of Christian and Catholic leaders urging their parishioners to stay away from Rev. Moon’s presentation, more than 200 people filled the Nitijela conference room to hear the controversial 85-year-old religious leader speak in Majuro Saturday night.
P1 US okays high rate post price The first severe blow of the new Compact will start being administered to the Marshall Islands on January 8. That is when the initial phase of the US Postal Services Board of Governors-approved decision goes into effect moving the marshall Islands from a domestic to an international mailing destination. The decision by the USPS is widely expected to hurt both business and government, which rely heavily on US vendors for critical supplies for the hospital, schools, stores and government offices.
P2 Big win for the Big Red duo Saturday night at the Marshall Islands Club was abuzz with the sound of the Hawaiian jumping flea as 10 new ukulele bands braved the stage in the first-ever ukulele contest. The styles, which ranged from rap to rock mixed with Marshallese lyrics, provided great entertainment to the 150 spectators. The non ukulele boy bands, including the house favorites, the Mieco Boys, were surprisingly outdone by the only girl-boy duo, Big Red, which took out first place. Judges were Ester Lokboj, Irooj Nelu Watak, Smith Michael and Bikja Bujen.
P8 Spotting the bad bucks US Secret Servie agents held their first-ever counterfeit money training in Majuro last week, with a large turnout of banks, business, government and other representatives attending. The trainings were held in response to a request from US Ambassador Greta Morris, which in turn was a response to a sudden influx of fake US money in Majuro.
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