Journal 8/14/1987
P1 Six join Armed Forces
The first Marshallese to volunteer for the United States Armed Forces under the Compact of Free Association were inducted into the service in a ceremony at the Cabinet Wednesday. Four young men and two young women will be entering the Army, Navy and Marine Corps. Roland Zedkaia, Earl Ray Alfred and Mackbi Bwijko joined the Army, Willa Ysawa and Erlain Milne joined the Navy, and Carney Terry joined the Marine Corps. After the brief swearing in ceremony, Chief Secretary Oscar deBrum congratulated the group.

P6 Biggest Auditor’s report presented
The Auditor General submitted to the Nitijela last week his longest and most detailed audit of national government and local government operations. In its more than 250 pages, the report lists major deficiencies in various government agencies, with recommendations for improvements. Money discrepancies led to criminal charges in three separate cases.
P9 Pool champ
That’s Danny Wase, the top pool player west of the international dateline. He is followed closely in local competition by Luke, Edinal, Telsa and Una. The tournament was sponsored by the Eastern Gateway Hotel and the champ won a free ticket to Nauru.
P15 Umpires
The crowd and players don’t always appreciate them, but the game can’t be played without them. The umpires who did a good job officiating the recent national softball tournament are: Jordan B., Titus B., Jimmy Kemem, Nokko Kabua, Nena K., Biten Lanki, Kejon A., Charles Abraham, Alex K., Ring Elio and Hemly Benjamin.
Journal 8/13/1999
P11 MBC lures anglers with $9,000
The Marshalls Billfish Club is inviting Micronesia’s best anglers to a September tournament in Majuro and offering $9,000 in prizes. MBC is set to host its 7th Annual Mobil All-Micronesia Fishing Tournament from September 3-6. Team Deloitte and Touche Saipan swept last year’s tournament, taking the prestigious All-Mike title away from two-time defending champions Team Palau. The current billfish record was set in the 1995 All-Mike when Team Palau, led by Palau’s Vice President Tommy Remengesau, Jr., reeled in a 360-pound marlin.
P2 RMI canoe fleet invited to NZ
The Marshall Islands has been invited to send a fleet of outrigger canoes to participate in a dawn millennium celebration in New Zealand, an event that is expected to be watched by hundreds of thousands of people in person and a huge worldwide television audience. According to Marshall Islands Visitors Authority’s Ben Graham, the Marshalls will be the only Micronesian island group represented, joining canoes from many Polynesian islands that will sail to celebrate the dawning of the millennium.
P24 Are you aware
That because of the volume of new students, the College of the Marshall Islands is using the Internet to transmit student financial aid applications to Washington, DC?
Journal 8/20/2010
P3 First of MEC’s 500 prepaid meters installed
MEC General Manager David Paul had the new prepaid electronic meter installed at this house this week to encourage others to follow. “We’re not targeting low-income or ‘bad’ customers,” he said. “Eventually, all residential customers will be on prepaid meters.”
P4 Penalties so lenient ‘it’s laughable’
Domestic violence usually continues over long periods of time and while neighbors, friends and relatives may be aware of it, rarely do people take any action to help. In addition, Marshall Islands government policies, laws and penalties related to violence against women are inadequate to deal with a big problem in the RMI. These are among the observations made by long-time educator Dr. Hilda Heine in the wake of Emson Makroro’s murder. “An incident like this does not happen by accident,” she said in a widely circulated email. “It was in the making for a while. For us women, we tend to think that incidents leading up to a terrible death such as Emson’s will not happen to us or that things will get better, except it rarely does. When we allow violence to take place in our lives without doing anything about it, we are condoning such actions.”