President Kabua’s personal appeal

In the midst of a major shift in Cabinet members the past week and countless hours preparing for the Compact negotiations in Kwajalein in the coming days, President David Kabua ensured his message for the graduating class of 2022 was received throughout Marshall Islands.

President David Kabua gives the thumbs up during his speech to the graduating class of Kwajalein Atoll High School at the Jabro Sports Complex on Ebeye earlier this month. Photo: Hilary Hosia.

President Kabua personally delivered the message during the College of Marshall Islands graduation in Majuro and Kwajalein Atoll High School commencement on Ebeye. Government representatives conveyed the same message on the President’s behalf in other schools.

“I an appealing to you to return home after you get your degrees and specialized qualifications,” the President told graduates in the different ceremonies at which he spoke. “The Marshallese people wish for each of you to return to work for the progress and betterment of our community.”

He underlined the dire need in the Marshall Islands for skilled workers.

“Today, our country is in desperate need of critical manpower in many fields of the public service,” said. “We need teachers, we need nurses, we need welders, we need carpenters, we need accountants, pilots, auditors, journalists, engineers, doctors, the list goes on. I am asking you to pursue your education to the highest level possible. Get to the education finish line.”

He emphasized his desire to see graduates return to the Marshall Islands to provide their talent and education to their country.

“After you attained your goal, you must return to serve your country,” he said. “It is natural that as often as is the case, we humans tend to seek job opportunities that pay more and the working environment is better than at home. Also, we leave home to attend colleges and universities in America and most of us just stay there and never return. Personally, I think there is a deeper sense of fulfillment and self-satisfaction when one is sacrificing by serving others rather than oneself. After all, by serving others, we serve God. So, keep moving higher in pursuit of better education, and when all is done, show your love and loyalty to your country, and come back home to serve your people and your country.”


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