Rita Elementary School has the distinction of being the first Public School System school in Majuro to return to in-person classes — but Monday’s return to school turned out to be a short-lived effort, as apparently PSS HQ directed RES to resume the “learning packet” pickup and drop off method in use by the rest of PSS schools.
After going through weeks of learning packets, RES returned to the school campus to do traditional learning. As they were doing normal class activity Monday, our reporter interrupted class sessions to get their picture, which they gladly accepted.
Meanwhile, private schools are back in action. Majuro Coop School started in-person classes last week, and students at Assumption, SDA and Majuro Baptist Christian Academy returned to classes this week. The College of the Marshall Islands has been operating in-person classes since the last week of August.
In related news from the Ministry of Health this week:
• Not a single new case of Covid detected in the 24-hour period ending 3pm Monday this week, while only three were confirmed on Tuesday. The total number of cases since August 8 is 15,228, with 15,128 recovered.

• With the exception of a hospital/health facilities or public transportation, wearing face masks is now optional. The RMI government lifted the mask requirement Tuesday this week. MOHHS said it is up to businesses and other offices to determine their risk and to require them or not. If you are riding a taxi, getting on a ship or an airplane, or going into Ebeye or Majuro hospitals, including Laura Clinic, yes, you still need to mask up. Otherwise, it’s up to the business or individual to decide.
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