Journal 2/8/1983
P1 Nitijela raises import taxes Against opposition by the Majuro and Ebeye business community and outer island councils, Nitijela on February 4 passed a measure to raise taxes, “a necessary evil,” is how on Cabinet member put it. The report to Nitijela by Ways and Means Committee that recommended passage, said, “The only effect of this amendment to the import tax is an increase of eight cents per pack of cigarettes and an increase of three cents per soft drink.”
P2 Among other things by Akio Heine Expect to see new faces, not so new faces, the same faces, and expect to hear nice sounding speeches, not so nice sounding speeches — all kinds of speeches this year being an election year for Nitijela members. Those who’ve announced, at least to us, that they are going to run are Jack Akeang, John Heine, Frank Mojilong. Those who are seriously considering running: Alik Alik and Botlong Loeak.
P7 Cabinet actions At its meeting January 28, the Cabinet made these appointments: Alfred Capelle to the College of Micronesia board of regents, replacing Enid McKay; Grant Labaun and Minister Tom Kijiner to the Scholarship, Grant and Loan Board.
P8 Henry wins Namu draw Henry Anien is the winner of a draw conducted today by the Electoral Office between him and Bojan Riklon for mayor of Namu Atoll. Both got 66 votes each in last month’s election. Election law provides for drawing lots if there is a tie.
Journal 2/10/1995
P9 Auditor General recommends written procedures for passport sales Money collected from passport sales, now held in bank accounts outside the Marshall Islands General Fund, should be turned into the government, is one recommendation in a report by the Office of the Auditor General. Two instances where the Cabinet was not adequately advised by the government’s lawyers resulted in the establishment of private bank accounts holding over $4 million in collected revenues that should have been deposited in the RMI General Fund. The Auditor General’s report said that false advertisements were circulated in Taiwan and in the US which claimed, among other things, that purchasers of RMI passports are able to immediately enter the US visa-free.
P14 Rantly sparkles as Hawks defeat Jets Rita Hawks, the basketball team that was never quite good enough to capture a championship crown, defeated the Continental Micronesia Golden Jets in the decisive fifth game Saturday to earn bragging rights as the best team in Majuro. It was a hard-fought best of five series that delighted thousands of Majuro fans who flocked to the games at MIHS gym. Hawks forward Rantly Kattil wowed the audiences and defied the Jets’ defense as he averaged 30.8 points per game in the series to earn most valuable player award. He and Robert Pinho (15.8 points average) scored more than half of the Hawks points in each game. President Amata Kabua and First Lady Emlain Kaba were on hand to watch the final game and presented the championship trophy to the Hawks.
P15 Rudy, Wally elected to MBC board At the annual general meeting of the Marshalls Billfish Club January 31, Rudy Aliven and Wally Milne were elected to the board for three-year terms on the seven-member board. Immediately following the vote, board members met among themselves and chose Billy Roberts as 1995 President, Baron Bigler as Vice President, Rudy as Director of Tournaments, and Dennis Reeder as Secretary. Co-founder Ramsey Reimers and 1994 President Alex Bing continue to serve on the board.
Journal 2/10/2006
P1 Calm down A row that broke out Monday on the floor of Nitijela between Internal Affairs Minister Rien Morris and Kwajalein Member of Parliament Mike Kabua festered Tuesday and escalated Wednesday — with KBE MP Tomaki Juda stepping in after a particularly hot exchange on Wednesday to call for a recess until Monday to allow Nitijela members to “calm down.”
P3 Late payments put ADB loans at risk The Marshall Islands is having difficulty paying its Asian Development Bank loans and this could hold up pending loans and technical assistance from the Manila-based bank. “ADB does consider RMI to be delinquent,” ADB official Steve Pollard said.
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