RMI celebrates Taiwan 10-10

Taiwan Ambassador Jeffrey Hsiao and his wife Jasmine Du are surrounded by RMI government leaders, business people and embassy staff during the 110th National Day celebration Saturday night at Marshall Islands Resort. Photo: Wilmer Joel.

The Taiwan Embassy hosted a 110th National Day Celebration Banquet poolside at the Marshall Islands Resort on Saturday evening.

VIP guests celebrating Taiwan’s October 10 birthday, aka ‘the Double Tenth Day,’ included President David Kabua and First Lady Ginger and Nitijela Member and Iroojlaplap Michael Kabua. Also in attendance were numerous Cabinet members, senators, government officials and people from all walks of life in Majuro … about 150 guests in all.

In his speech, Ambassador Jeffrey Hsiao praised the RMI’s Iakwe Spirit that he has experienced during his trips to 13 atolls for the past few years. “For every blade of grass, there is a drop of dew,” Ambassador Hisao mentioned, quoting a Taiwanese saying which means “Heaven never bars one’s way, no matter how small you are … Perseverance and resilience is the shared value of the Taiwan Spirit and Iakwe Spirit.”

Ambassador Hsiao also stated that the successful “Taiwan Model” has sparked a “virtuous cycle” among democracies helping each other in the global Covid-19 pandemic.

Echoing this thought, he announced a donation of 20,000 protective gowns and 20,000 surgical masks.

“As countries upholding democratic, progressive values while facing a constant challenge to their existence, ROC and RMI shall continue to work together and thrive together,” he said.

Representing the RMI, Foreign Minister Casten Nemra lauded Taiwan’s Covid-19 response and its generous sharing of experience. He also extended appreciation for the ROC-RMI partnership on all levels, especially in health, food security, and renewable energy.

The evening’s entertainment included a traditional dance, which included RMI Ambassador to Taiwan Neijon Edwards and staff of the Embassy and MOFAT members, signifying ROC-RMI joint efforts.


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