RMI election gets Japan support

The Electoral Administration group, with the speakers in the front, at Tuesday’s electoral seminar at the ICC in Majuro. Photo: Ministry of Culture and Internal Affairs.


Japan International Cooperation Agency and the Ministry of Culture and Internal Affairs held a one-day electoral seminar at the International Conference Center Tuesday.

The unique seminar, according to MOCIA Secretary Brenda Alik, is the first of its kind — “there hasn’t been a training conducted in this level,” Brenda said in her opening remarks.

The seminar featured two veteran electoral officials from Japan who shared their expertise to a large group of participants from various RMI government entities and SOEs who will be involve in the 2023 national election. Majority of the participants are prior electoral officials and will be working in the upcoming general elections in November.

Director of the Institute of Japanese Election and Administration Shimizu Daisuke presented in the first half of the seminar followed by JICA Senior Technical Advisor for Electoral Management Tatsumi Tomoyuki.

Daisuke has over 30 years of electoral experience under his belt, with 10 being spent as top administrator during Japanese elections. Tatsumi, on the other hand, has successfully played an integral part in assisting elections in Cambodia.

JICA has provided previous electoral administration support in countries like Afghanistan, Cambodia, Timor-Leste, Indonesia, Pakistan, Nepal and Egypt, according to JICA Resident Representative Hikoyuki Ukai. “Many of these countries were post-conflict when JICA provided those support,” Ukai said in the forum.

Ukai was hopeful the seminar would provide helpful guidance for Chief Electoral Officer Ben Kiluwe and his team as they move into the final two months prior to the general election.


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