Journal 3/2/1984
P1 Japan to fund fish base A Japanese grant for the Majuro Fishing Base was formalized February 24 in an exchange of diplomatic notes signed in Majuro by Japan Consul General Hideji Tsukakoshi and Foreign Minister Tony deBrum. The grant from Japan is for 470 million yen ($2 million) for the construction of the first phase of the fishing base. Work is expected to begin in mid-1984 with completion scheduled for February 1985.
P3 Foreigner figures Acting Chief of Immigration Una Watak has released the following breakdown regarding foreigners in the Marshall Islands. The United States leads with list with a total of 178 registered on Majuro and Ebeye, followed closely by the Philippines with 137. In addition, there are 50 from Japan, 40 from Kiribati, and 20 each from China and Tuvalu.
P9 DeBrum, Ingram: Big guns in DC Under the heading “People” the February 15 issue of the Washington Pacific Report is quoted as stating: “Marshall Islands have sent in some big guns to help the feds with the TTPI Compact on the Hill. Chief Secretary Oscar deBrum and former AG Carl Ingram (now a consultant for RepMar) have set up shop in DC and plan to stay up to six months to lobby for the Compact.”
P10 Around Town Jack Jorbon’s new gas station is now open for business…Downtown Store and Restaurant (aka Ajidrik’s) is undergoing a facelift. Along with the pleasing atmosphere they are adding to the menu…Happy birthday to Dr. John Iaman who will be 60 on March 3 and to George (Russian) Switz who turned 60 last week.
Journal 3/8/1996
P1 Kili invasion Kili is where it’s happening next week. The Bikinians have spent 50 years in exile as of March 7, their home islands were bombed and are still too radioactive for a safe return. But if you think it is cause for a sad 50th anniversary, you’ve got it backwards. “This is going to be the biggest bash ever on an outer island — and there will never be another like it,” said Bikini liaison officer Jack Niedenthal of the preparations for a special Bikini Day Monday. There are sports teams, religious groups, dancing and singing groups — including the famous jõbwa group from Ujae — government officials from the Marshall Islands and the US, media from different parts of the world, and they all have the same agenda: get to Kili for the celebrations. The Kili/Bikini local government has cornered the market on food in Majuro — such as chicken, pigs, steak — for the celebration that is expected to extend for a week or more and involve hundreds, perhaps thousands of people. Groups from Ujae, Wotje, Ailinglaplap, Namu, Kwajalein, Jaluit, Namdrik, Ebon, Arno, Majuro and Rongrong area heading to Kili by ship and plane. The Bikinians are chartering 30 Air Marshall Islands flights, as well as local longline fishing boats to get the huge amount of food and passengers to Kili. “There won’t be any aircraft, boats, frozen chicken or cola in Majuro,” Niedenthal said. “Majuro people will be drinking guava soda for a month.”
P6 President’s Cup standings Timothy Anok 918, Baron Bigler 550, Bwiji Aliven 514, Tommy deBrum 293, Bill Capelle 191, Lee Bellu 152, Daniel Kramer 115, Gabriel Capelle 105.
Journal 3/9/2007
P3 Taiwan’s new man in Majuro New Taiwan Ambassador to the Marshall Islands Bruce JD Linghu presented his diplomatic credentials to President Kessai Note Monday this week.
P10 Lost year? Apparently 2006 is a lost year. We’re not actually sure how to explain it. But here’s what we know. The Ministry of Education’s last strategic plan was for the five-year period 2000-2005. Its new strategic plan is for 2007-2011. So what happened to 2006? Still, we have it on good authority that the year did actually occur…
P19 ‘Much Ado About Nothing’ a big hit Several marvelous aspects of this year’s theater production by Prof. Andrew Garrod and team are worthy of note, starting with the stellar performances of Suewellyn Johannes as Beatrice and Dustin Langidrik as Benedick. Also noteworthy was the acting skill displayed by Cutty Wase as Don Pedro. The entire staff of MIHS is to be recognized for its efforts in getting up to 70 performers on the stage in such a beautifully coordinated offering.