RMI team wins Down Under

RMI wrestlers in Australia, from left: Meinshu Peter Jiang, Coach Waylon Muller and Ricktak RJ Iban Jr.

Marshall Islands wrestlers went to the Oceania Championships in Australia 10 days ago and did what RMI wrestlers have a habit of doing in international competitions: They brought back medals.

Both wrestlers — Meinshu Peter Jiang and Ricktak RJ Iban Jr. — were competing for RMI for the first time. But the two wrestlers held their own against competitors in Australia.

Meinshu won a silver medal and RJ won a bronze medal in the competition. They were coached by experienced RMI wrestler Waylon Muller.

The group arrived back in Majuro late last week to be welcomed at the airport by family and friends.

The Oceania Championships was part of the Marshall Islands Wrestling Federation’s preparation for the upcoming Micronesian Games to be held in Majuro next year.


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