Journal 8/8/1986
P1 RepMar-Four Atolls in step on fund plan RepMar and leaders of Bikini, Enewetak, Rongelap and Utrik have reached basic agreement on the plan for investing $150 million in compensation money the islands will receive under the Compact. Cabinet is awaiting a report evaluating the management selection process which is due in a week, meaning they could choose the firms to manage the $150 million by month’s end.
P1 Sailing by the stars in ’86 It is said that navigation by the stars is a dying art in the Marshall Islands. But long-time sailor/navigator Karbon Lobju, from Ailuk Atoll, is doing his best to see that traditional na vigation skills get passed onto younger people in the islands. He arrived in Majuro last week with a crew of five after a day and a half trip from Ailuk on the motor-powered Ailuk Maru, one of a trio of 28-foot boats received by RepMar from Japan earlier this year. Karbon said that although they carried a compass on board, they navigated by the stars, waves and clouds.
P1 Skipjack like gold for Japan market A 300-year-old Japanese tradition could have big economic spinoffs for the Marshall Islands. Katsuobushi, made by boiling and smoking skipjack tuna over a two-week period, is a gourmet food in Japan where it is used as fish chippings for soup base. After seven months of experimental fishing and processing operations at the Long Island Nankatsu Company plant, it is still too early to tell whether the Marshalls has the fish to support a katsuobushi factory, said operations manager Fumitaki Kikuchi.
Journal 8/7/1998
P1 AG to file criminal charges At a special hearing Monday on the recent incident wherein approximately one dozen pre-signed and back-dated RMI passports were interdicted by US Immigration and Naturalization agents in Guam, Public Accounts Committee members were told the matter is under criminal investigation by the Attorney General. (RMI) officials declined to give detailed information relative to the ongoing investigation other than to affirm that some Chinese and at least one Marshallese were the target of the investigation. Several sources, both in government and in Nitijela, have stated that the passports were backdated to 1996, the year in which RMI claimed to have completely halted passport sales.

P1 The Palau Games At the end of Monday, Palau had 10 medals, including five gold, Guam was in second with eight and the Marianas was in third with five. Tuesday, Nauru took gold after gold in weightlifting, and the Northern Marianas virtually owned the swimming pool. The Marshall Islands kicked off the Games by winning the first gold medal early Saturday morning, as Marshalls swimmer Andrea Lindborg swam her way to victory in the two-mile open ocean swim. Lindborg was named the top female athlete of the 1994 Micro Games in Guam for winning eight gold medals in swimming. Despite this good start, it turned out to be one of only two gold medals that the Marshalls was to see in the first few days of the Games — and both were won by Lindborg. By Tuesday evening, the Marshalls had earned seven medals, including one silver and four bronze.
P16 Rongelap resettlement starts phase I Construction is underway at Rongelap as the Resettlement Project Phase I goes into effect, according to Rongelap Mayor James Matayoshi. He said the objective of Phase I is to build an airport, dock and field station for the construction workers.
Journal 8/7/2009
P3 Kelly wins PNA logo prize Assumption High School’s incoming senior, Kelly Schellhase, was awarded at last week’s Parties to the Nauru Agreement workshop in Majuro for her winning logo design. Kelly received $2,500 from the PNA logo contest, which was opened to residents of all PNA member countries.
P21 Can you canoe? Tell me how would you feel if you were in the middle of the lagoon riding a small canoe? Scared, excited, or really alive? Well, that’s nothing compared to how the Upward Bound juniors felt during an exciting trip to Waan Aelon in Majel (Canoes of the Marshall Islands). It was fun and scary at the same time. I am so glad that I had the field trip at WAM because it reminded me of all the traditional events I did back when I was little. It helps me to remember that I am a proud Marshallese. — Selvenious Marvin