Journal 7/12/1983
P2 US seeks dismissal of suits The United States has filed briefs in the US Claims Court seeking dismissal of the claims of citizens of the Marshall Islands for half a billion dollars in damages. The Marshall Islanders claim that the government’s nuclear testing program in the islands between 1946 and 1958 caused radiation damage to their property. The government asked the court to dismiss the claims because the delay of so many years in bringing them makes adjudication no longer permissible under the law.
Journal 7/14/1995
P1 Ronnie’s revenge Ronnie Reimers capped a tremendous President’s Cup comeback over the past three months by catching a 305 pound marlin to win the 13th annual Marshalls Billfish Club July tournament and won the Cup from Bwiji Aliven.
P3 New bank branch opens on Ebeye Bank of Marshall Islands opened its doors for business on Ebeye Island this week and will officially celebrate the new branch in a ceremony this Saturday.
P8 Population pressures are mounting The fertility rate — the number of children per mother — has declined sharply since 1988, from more than seven to about five, according to information provided at this week’s national seminar on population and development. If this still-high rate of both continues, there will be 115,000 people in the Marshall Islands by 2018 — almost a 200 percent increase in 30 years.
P24 Primary health message Knowing your community and its needs is essential to primary health care and one of the assignments for health assistants participating in a revet Youth to Youth in Health in-service training was to draw maps of their island communities and identify problems. Participating were Runnie Aini (Jabat), Morton Baso (Jah, Ailinglaplap), Thomas Joe (Kilane, Arno), Michio Tarkeo (Kaven, Maloelap), Helkaia Kattil (Tutu, Arno), Elmer deBrum (Likiep), and Love Lajuan (Arno, Arno).
Journal 7/14/2006
P3 ROC: ‘Is this how you treat your friends?’ The ROC government became so concerned about its relationships the the Marshall Islands following the decision by a group of Nitijela members to visit China that it sent a senior-level diplomat to Majuro, according to ROC Ambassador Lien-Gene Chen. “Our leaders were very concerned per the reasoning of the senators,” said Chen.
P7 FSM keeps us talking Equipment failure and network congestion forced a three-day shutdown in the cell phone network late last month, according to NTA General Manager Tony Muller. “The cell phone converter and a couple of cards went down, and officials from the Federated States of Micronesia generously brought us some of their spare parts when their delegation flew in with their President,” he said.
P19 USDA hits a home run Ten happy families recently picked up the keys to their newly completed homes, courtesy of the US Rural Development program and the Marshall Islands Development Bank. At a special ceremony for the 10 families, praise was lavished on the USDA-MIDB partnership for paving the way for the first 10 homeowners to complete their $39,000 houses, with construction set to start on 10 more homes in Majuro.
P32 Are you aware THAT music for the Marshalls Billfish Club’s awards banquet Monday night was provided by the band blackout, which has a terrific drummer in the form of 11-year-old Isaiah Kramer?