RRE builds clam facility

What we were saying way back when

Journal 10/14/1983

P3 Centers for elderly open on Arno, Mejit Two centers for the elderly are scheduled to open this week on Arno and Mejit, according to the Social Services office. The centers will provide a balanced diet to senior citizens in these two areas.

P4 Among other things by Akio Heine The Bikini delegation to Tokyo, Japan is back in Majuro. They went to Japan to, among other things, find out if it is true that the Marshalls government offered their atoll, Bikini, as a low-level nuclear waste site. The Japan government declined to show them copies of the Marshalls-Japan governments correspondence concerning the offer allegedly made by the president. They did confirm though that an island was offered but they couldn’t say what island.

Journal 10/20/1995

P3 Aquaculture facility on Long Island Robert Reimers Enterrises is building an aquaculture facility on Majuro near the site of their Long Island store. According to Manager Peter Gigante, the facility will allow for the grow out of 100,000 clams per year. The clams will be sold to aquarium supply stores, primarily in the US.

P8 Jet main melele by Yeller Bnzmn We might think everyone understands the meaning of the Marshall Islands government’s motto, which says “Jepilpilin Ke Ejukaan.” I don’t think every Marshallese, especially teenagers understand the meaning of both the Marshall Islands flag and motto. The motto refers to the vast ocean distance separating the islands (Jepilpilin) while at the same time recognizing the unified, self-confident spirit of the people. These islands are spread over an ocean area of more than half a million square miles and yet have only one language, one custom, one tradition attests to the strength of family and clan ties. The word “Ejukaan” refers to a stand of coconut trees that are tall, firm, strong, united and thoughtful of each other, symbolizing the people of these islands.

P9 Giant clam documentary completed The French film crew of the TV show Thalassa returned home October 16 after 18 days in the Marshall Islands. They completed their documentary on the giant clams.

P10 CMI new student officers New officers include Vocational Ars representative Edhlyn Silk, President Kenneth Kedi, Vice President Bruce Bilion, Sports coordinator Arlinton Tibon, Treasurer Minni Andrew, nursing representative Nancy Moufa, and Secretary Roseverina deBrum

P13 Marshalls ready to drop N-waste dump plans President Amata abua said if the united States cleaned up nuclear waste in his country, the Marshalls proposal to import nuclear waste would be dropped, and he would be ready to sign the Waigani Convention, which bans the import of hazardous and radioactive waste to the region.

Journal 10/20/2006

P3 Cabinet okays solid waste corporation The Cabinet has approved a plan to establish a solid waste company to manage waste in the capital, according to Public Works Minister Matt Zackhras. It comes not a minute too soon, why the current Batkan dump expected to be filled to capacity by January. In addition, most of the heavy equipment used by MALGov and Public Works for waste is at the end of its useful life, according to a report delivered by Ben Chutaro to the Chamber of Commerce meeting Tuesday. Chutaro showed photos of Majuro’s pressing rubbish problems, commenting that “it’s very tough to develop tourism under these conditions.”


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