An intense basketball clash between Team Letao and Team Rubuki fired up pay-per-view-like entertainment during The Salvation Army (TSA) Fit For Life basketball tournament championship last week. Scratching, pushing, elbowing, shaking, wiggling, breaking ankles with crossover moves, attacking the basket with various offenses, and firing long range shots from downtown were a few of the highlights.
Both teams comprised players who often represent atolls at the national basketball level. Team Letao included star players of Team Majuro. Team Rubuki had the sons of “bukarar” nation, Jaluit, or so they said.
The game tempo was set at high speed. The night’s cool breeze didn’t do much to slow the rate of sweat for the players and also referees Rommy Kaneko, Jackie Salomon, and Rithen Lajar because of the hot pace of place.
Team Rubuki led the game from beginning to end, winning 57 to 50. Team Letao had only seven players but their cunning strategies were ferocious.
At closing, TSA Captain Hitai Silk recognized all teams, officials, and spectators of the tournament. The top three teams, Team Rubuki, Team Letao, and Team X-Men, received TSA trophies and gift certificates from Bank of Guam.
Cash prizes were awarded for the half time 3-point shooting contest (adults) and free throw contest (kids) winners. The 3-point shooting winners were Wilson Laeo from Mosquito town and Meleann Morris from Uliga. Free throw winners were Toromman Jello, Joseph Alumia, and Johnsay Amram.
Read more about this in the August 4, 2017 edition of the Marshall Islands Journal.