Journal 10/28/1983
P8 Printer works three presses Voters throughout the Marshalls this coming Nitijela election may have cause to thank Ruon Mea of Micronitor News & Printing Company for making their election ballots possible. As the story goes, a long-winded kemeem party for one of his fellow printers and the sad death of the father of a second printer left Ruon as the only operator in the press room. How did he cope with the “pressing” needs of the electorate? He adapted by setting up three presses himself and running three jobs simultaneously. In the past, printers have been known to set up two presses occasionally under difficult circumstances. But Ruon is the first to our knowledge who was able to set up three. The election ballot printing is not as simple as might be expected since for a total of approximately 20,000 voters, ballots totaling over 76,000 must be prepared and disturbed by the Electoral Administration too ensure that all voters shave ballots available wherever they vote on election day. In a sidelight to this story, we are also happy to report that in view of the fact that it has been demonstrated that one man can operate three presses, operators will now receive one-third of their pay when operating only one press. Maybe the print shop management downstairs below the Journal will pass the savings onto the underpaid reporters who work upstairs!
P10 chap. 27 It was bearded Kintaro, the town gimp and back-drop. Always in on the periphery of things. He worked as a security man for checking people coming out of Roberts for a while, and since his “retirement” from that critical post has still seen fit to work the main street flow for whatever benefits may be had. He is a curious man, graduate of high school, politically aware, always connoted tome how or other to something, even if it is so tenuous a position as a “used to work here” umbilical. “No Kintaro, not looking for anything more than a cup of coffee. just cursing this damned island and the rocks laying around,”
I said. “You should wear shoes, like me,” he said. He was probably right, but the pain was subsiding and the coffee was waiting. I walked down past Bilimon’s store front, past the next little unnamed store, and ducked into the Downtown Restaurant. It was dark coming in out of the sun, and my eyes took time to adjust. What came into view? later…
Journal 11/3/1995
P1 Wodejabato “From Denver to Bikini, with love, Wodejabato!” What do you think about that? It’s the title of the first album to be released by the fantastic LUM JEN LUM LUM — due out next month, according to the band’s manager, Julium Lejjena. “The album is dedicated to the Bikinians,” explained Lejjena, who points out that the friendly islanders from the island of the Big Bomb have been in exile for 50 years now. In a photo accompanying the story, Julium is joined by Theochi Lucky and Sosyline Jibas Lejjena.
Journal 11/3/2006
P1 Crowd turns out for WUTMI talks Women and men jammed every inch of available space in the Nitijela conference room, and spilled out into the hallways to launch the opening Monday of the eighth annual Women United Together Marshall Islands General Assembly on “improving lifestyles.”Aside from the impressive turnout, WUTMI’s opening was broadcast live to the nation after several years of radio silence enforced by the Ministry of Internal Affairs-run radio station V7AB. The Nitijela and nationwide radio audience heard WUTMI President Carmen Bigler outline an expansive list of projects carried out, grants received, and accomplished by the national women’s umbrella organization — projects ranging from teaching parenting skills to young mothers to tracking turtles on the outer islands.
P6 Dr. Briand: We’re not doing enough The director of Public Health said his own department and the Ministry of Health’s Primary Health Care Bureau are not doing enough to prevent HIV/AIDS from becoming an epidemic in the Marshall Islands. Dr. Kennar Briand cautioned his colleagues at last week’s Ministry of Health seminar on redefining the MOH mission for a healthier future saying that while there haven’t been any recorded cases of local transfer of HIV,t takes just one case for the virus to spread. “We are not dealing with it,” said Briand. “We’re in denial, we’re scared. But we need to focus on preventing HIV from spreading.”