Journal 5/29/1981
P1 Reagan’s Micronesia review group visits Majuro What has been called the Reagan review group left May 27 after maintaining a tight-lipped silence about their visit. “We’re just touring Micronesia,” said Ginger Lew, deputy assistant secretary of State.
P7 Soviets question US At the UN Trusteeship Council meeting, the Soviet delegate took a potshot at US military interests in the islands as described in the proposed Compact of Free Association. The Russians asked if this is in promotion of world peace and security as espoused by the UN or just the opposite. He said “a new hotbed of international tensions may be created by the arrangement.”
Journal 5/28/1993
P6 $4 million paid to nuclear victims Four million dollars was paid to Marshall Islands nuclear victims last month, bringing the total compensation paid since 1987 to $108.4 million.
P11 NTA building is dedicated First Lady Emlain Kabua cut the ribbon to the new National Telecommunications Authority building at the grand opening of the new facility. Visitors were allowed to tour the communications facility immediately after.
P16 Graduates job: Rekindle spirit of pride President Amata Kabua made it a point to speak to three graduations in Majuro this past week, delivering what he said was “a different, direct and even perhaps, blunt” message to graduates. The President challenged the students to spearhead change to restore a “sense of self-help and pride,” and to take advantage of further education opportunities and return home “to accelerate our socio-economic development. If we hide from change and reform, we will be sadly left behind in the changing and progressing world.”
P18 Jets are the best in Majuro Throughout the first half of play, as the Hawks matched the Golden Jets basket for basket, the Jets’ brash guard Junior kept saying to anyone on the sidelines who would listen that the Continental trophy was going to be theirs. In this case, pride did not go before a fall and the Jets came back from a one-loss deficit to dump the Rita Hawks twice last Wednesday night to win the first Continental Micronesia Basketball Invitational Tournament. First game, Jets 52-Hawks 38. Second game, Jets 44-Hawks 35. Brand-X came in third and the Rebels picked up the fourth spot.
P20 Indonesia is 48th As of May 21, the Republic of Indonesia became the 48th nation to establish diplomatic relations with the RMI.
Journal 5/28/2004
P6 Eyes wide open in ROC You live in the Marshall Islands and you might see an occasional CNN news item about the political war of words between China and Taiwan. Spend a week in Taiwan, and it’s all that gets talked about 24-hours, seven days a week — except when Michael Jordan shows up once in a lifetime, which he did last Friday, pushing the China-Taiwan verbal sparring to a back burner for a few hours, as local news stations broadcast endlessly from the airport, his hotel and all of his movements in the brief day-and-a-half that he visited Taiwan.
P12 RMI fleet over 20 million tons The Marshall Islands ship registry has seen huge growth during the past year in the number of vessels flying the RMI flag. The registry exceeded the 20 million gross ton mark for the first time earlier this year.
P16 Assumption gets A+ from WASC Assumption Schools received a thumbs up from the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. In a letter to Principal Sandy Dismas, WASC Executive Director David Brown said he was “pleased to report to you that your accreditation is now reaffirmed through the end of the six-year term.”