Saab 2000 marks new era


Journal 6/17/1983

P1 Marshall Islands Fishing Tournament The members of the winning billfish team in the first Marshall Islands Fishing Tournament organized by the Marshalls Billfish Club received trophies during an awards ceremony Monday night. The team: Mobe Lorennij, Maikili Tunivabea, Nokko Kabua and Wally Milne. They had a one-day haul of 2,875 pounds of qualifying fish.

P14 MIHS honors Outstanding academic student Winako Allen, senior; Todd Arelong, junior; Grace Lokboj, sophomore; Brenda Mellan, freshman. 

Journal 6/23/1995

P1 It’s here! Air Marshall Islands’ new Saab 2000 made its  debut in Majuro Wednesday afternoon, ushering in a new era of air service for the central Pacific region. President Amata Kabua praised the high tech lane that can fly at twice the speed of the HS748 aircraft, while burning 30 percent less fuel. “It’s the ideal aircraft for this region,” he said.

P3 President cracks down on vehicle misuse President Amata Kabua, responding to “persistent public criticism” over private use of government vehicles, on Monday issued a memorandum restricting the use of government vehicles. The President’s crackdown on abuse of government vehicles was “precipitated by a public outcry over the inordinate use and abuse of government vehicles,” the memo said. The President himself is required to sign requests for approval of vehicle use outside of normal working hours.

P3 Dive club finds well-stocked lagoon Televisions, engine parts, shoes and empty paint cans from the government YFU were some of the items taken from the lagoon at the Majuro Tulok Doulul’s (dive club) beach clean up last Saturday. The sad thing is, we could do this again and again and get as much garbage every time,” said club member Fabio Amaral.

P8 Namu, Rongrong, Rita songs highlight opening Uliga United Church of Christ was packed with thousands of people during the opening of the Youth Convention Sunday June 18. Three youth group winners from last Youth Convention in 1993 sang in the opening: Namu youth who were in first place, Rongrong youth second place, and Rita youth in third.

P11 Cows have arrived: Milk in Delap Milk hit the Majuro market this week from the new dairy lang, Sea Island Dairy. Owner John McCarthy says the plant is all running and milk production is underway. The dairy is being operated by Australian Farm Resources and will offer ice cream, chocolate and regular milk in two sizes, and orange juice

Journal 6/23/2006

P3 Racism against Chinese rising Many companies are struggling in the current economic conditions, but Chinese businesses are feeling a triple whammy. Like everyone, they are competing for scarcer dollars in a sluggish economy but they are also subject to virtually institutionalized racism that is compounded by antagonism between the two Chinas. The public seems to have applied broad brush cynicism toward anyone of Asian background, including Chinese, Taiwanese, Indian, Japanese Koreans and Filipinos. The Journal has documented many attacks, from vandalism at stores to theft and physical assault that seem to be based on nothing other than nationality.

P7 Big winners For the forest time in the history of Constitution Day, Ujae Atoll sports teams took the grand prize for winning the most points for all events. A proud Ujae Senator Caios Lucky joined the team for the trophy presentation recently. The team, called Ujae Lobabaat, took its name from a famous legend from the atoll, which no doubt inspired  it to win the Jemen Ei Cup.

P28 Pro-whaling The RMI government this week helped Japan and other whaling nations to support a resolution at the International Whaling Commission that is expected to allow commercial whaling after a ban that has lasted for more than 20 years.


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