Seawalls going up all over

One of many new seawalls going up on Ebeye Island. Photo: Eve Burns.

The RMI government will spend $4.5 million on 78 new seawall projects over two fiscal years, President Hilda Heine announced. President Heine said the RMI government is continuing to rise to the challenge posed by climate change.
“My government remains focused on addressing the negative impact of climate change to the Marshall Islands, both now and into the future,” President Heine said.
“This government has increased funding for residential seawalls and coastal protection as a matter of urgency, under our Agenda 2020 — which is our four-year roadmap for progress and reform.
“We are also tackling global warming through our new Climate Strategy 2050 and Electricity Roadmap to achieve 100 per cent renewable energy by 2050. The government has expanded financing programs for new homes and renewable energy.”
Minister for Works, Utilities and Infrastructure Tony Muller said the RMI government has allocated $4.5 million on 78 new seawall projects under the national budgets for the now ended FY2019 and FY2020, which started last week.
Muller said $3 million of funding had been allocated for seawall projects on Majuro, $1 million for Ebeye and another $500,000 for outer islands over the two years.
“This past fiscal year, our government approved 33 new seawall projects and there will be an even higher number completed during the FY2020,” Muller said.

Read more about this in the October 11, 2019 edition of the Marshall Islands Journal.


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