Yacht club goes to Rita

Journal 2/24/1984

P1 Landscaping nearly complete The Delap Beautification Projet is nearing completion. The project will include over a hundred flame trees lining the old airstrip and later will include some Pacific Almond trees (terminalia), affectionately known in the Marshalls as Kotel. It has been a team effort as Public Works dug the holes, Resources and Development crews hauled compost and planted the trees under the supervision of Shiro Zebedy and Jimmy Joseph from the Agriculture Department, and Nine Group provided lumber to build the tree shelters.

P3 Yacht Club moving to Rita The Marshall Islands Yacht Club will be moved to the end of Rita. Groundbreaking has begun for a new building.

P3 Discover a new experience Sitting in front of the Post Office the other day with some time on my hands wondering where to go to have a cup of coffee. I thought maybe Downtown to read the Journal sports page, bwebwenato with the locals? No, too much noise today as they are working on new shelves for the takeout. To Likrok? Nice and quiet and I can look at the blue Pacific Ocean or the new indoor water fountain which was recently installed. Naw, I already had a real good breakfast there earlier. Kitco for old times sake? No. Hey, how about The Cooler? Yay, good idea. Walk right down the street, almost ran right into Ajidrik’s too many people walking around. It seems like the sidewalk is getting smaller. Past Norman’s new store, past where the theater was. Past the new Japanese gambling casino, Bing’s store, the Chinese bank. I’m almost there. Kitco Restaurant and Downtown Club, Blue Shirts used to call it the Kitco Business Center. Right behind the 7 Degrees North is The Cooler ice cream parlor. I not only had a great cup of coffee but the best piece of cake with ice cream in town. Thanks to Pat Muno, I just gained a pound. What to do now? Too early for softball at Delap Field. Ho-hum.

Journal 3/1/1996

P1 Craps ‘R Us! The Nitijela approved the introduction of gambling in the Marshall Islands with a vote Friday on Bill Number 8, a measure which sparked opposition from many churches and other member of the community during public hearings.

P3 Govt facing $5m shortfall With the nation facing a nearly $5 million shortfall in revenues, the government introduced an Interim Budget Bill to amend the Appropriations Act passed late last year. The bill calls for closing the Ministry of Social Services and transferring some staff to other ministries, imposing a five percent cut on all government workers earning more than $10,400 a year, an across-the-board three percent cutback for all ministries, and trimming subsidies to state owned enterprises.

P6 Basketball dreams come true A dream about to take shape at Ennibirr (Third Island) is the construction of a safe, regulation size basketball court to replace the court now in use — an old concrete foundation with protruding rebar and a drop off of four-to-six inches just waiting to cause a strained or broken ankle.

P23 Majuro Cooperative School Honor Roll Seventh grade: Nicole Hussey, Joshua Lanki, Tessie Briand, Paul Jaramiel, Emma Kabua, Honitha Reland and Tauki Korean; Eighth grade: Wendell Bukida, Nuri Hwang, Norman Kemem, Noah Konelios, Jeremy Myazoe and John Pinano.

Journal 3/2/2007

P3 Senator Tony ready to ‘get to work’ on Kwaj On the heels of what can only be described as a landslide victory, Kwajalein Senator-elect Tony deBrum took no time in posting a warning to the powers that be: “We’ve got ourselves one hell of a mandate to get some changes made on Kwajalein.”

P19 It’s play time March is going to be a month for plays in Majuro. Next week, the famous Shakespeare play “Much Ado About Nothing” will start its one-week run. MIHS students are moving into dress rehearsals for the play that will be performed at the MIHS campus. Dartmouth Professor emeritus Andrew Garrod is directing the play, the fourth he’s produced at MIHS. But it’s not only MIHS that’ll be putting on a play this year. Majuro Coop School is getting ready to perform “Wiley and the Hairy Man.”


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