Twenty-one Majuro Cooperative High School graduates received their diplomas and distinguished awards May 28 during the school’s 11th Graduation Ceremony.
The theme for the graduation was Michael Josephson’s “Take Pride in how far you’ve come. Have faith in how far you can go. But don’t forget to enjoy the journey.”
As often on these occasions proud families and friends of these graduates wept with tears of joy and cheered for the graduates when they received their diplomas or awards.
Keynote Speaker for the class of 2022 was Pacific International Inc. Chief Executive Officer Jerry Kramer who said, “this event marks one less headache for parents, guardians, teachers and one new beginning for all of you graduates.” He added, “tomorrow you’ll wake up to the first day of the rest of your life.”
Taking this year’s valedictorian spot is learning enthusiast Isabella Narruhn alongside her classmate perspicacious salutatorian Bharati Datwani.
To end off the commencement ceremony as customary for graduation on Majuro huge crowd came flooding to put leis of dollars and gum-balls to their graduate relatives and friends.