Journal 11/8/1982
P4 US sets up military space command After a quarter century of mostly peaceful exploration of spec, the United States has begun a vast expansion of its military operations there. In the next five years, the Reagan administration plans to increase spending on military operations in space even faster than the rest of the military budget. To put this into a framework, President Reagan has enunciated a new space policy with emphasis on military operations, and the Air Force has organized a new Space Command.
P6 OEK hires new PIO The National Congress of the Republic of Palau has hired Tommy Remengesau, Jr. as the new Public Information Officer. Remengesau formerly worked for the Bureau of Health Services as the Palau Health Planner and the Bureau’s Liaison Officer.
Journal 11/11/1994
P1 Back in business An Austrlaian company is leasing the former dairy plant in Majuro with plans to begin milk, fruit juice and ice cream production early next year. The plan to revive the dairy plant is the result of a Marshalls trade mission to Australia a year ago and continuing negotiations between the Ministry of Resources and Development Australian Farm Resiurces, Pty. Ltd. of Brisbane.
P3 Copra price cut The Tobolar board of directors approved a price reduction for copra at its meeting last week. Tobolar currently buys copra on Majuro for 23 cents a pound and in the outer islands for 21.5 cents a pound. This is about double the world market price and is made possible by both subsidy from Nitijela and additional Cabinet approved subsidies. The decrease, which is not yet finalized, will depend on the subsidy that Cabinet provides.
P17 Majuro Cooperative School honor roll Eighth grade: Lani Milne, Derek Milne, Yoko Lokboj, Melissa Kramer, Ingrid Kabua.
P17 Jaluit High School honor roll 12th grade: Bienty Ned, Brenda Joseph, Judy Lani, Airin Lakmis, Cathly7nna Josea, Hiroshi Lomae, Rithy Luther, Almenson Naisher, Sylvester Amram, Luther Hemos, Meria Ralpho.
P17 More than 6,000 shot Public Health immunized about 6,000 Majuro students for measles in nine days.
P19 Marshalls third ConCon wraps up The Marshalls third Constitutional Convention wrapped up close to a year of meetings with a formal signing ceremony last Wednesday at the Nitijela chamber. President Amata Kabua led a procession of ConCon delegates to sign their endorsement of the 36 proposals approved during the ConCon.
Journal 11/4/2005
P1 Army to AMI: No money, no Kwajalein Money woes have hit Air Marshall Islands, forcing it to cancel flights to Kwajalein earlier this week. The Army has put AMI on a cash basis for fuel purchases as its debt for fuel and other services is hovering around $190,000.
P20 Where to kick start your day in Majuro Breakfast in Majuro — admittedly not a potential argument for haute cuisine, but for the comfortable conviviality of life on a small atoll, it has its points. Take Kejjo’s little side-of-the-road eatery down by the main dock. You get several options of coffee, and more often than not, some real nice local pig with eggs served with a smattering of opposition party comment. At the opposite end of the political spectrum, efficient coffee service since the 1970s is Kitco Restaurant. The standard of service is exemplary, and features the only restaurant in town that provides three full slices of bread as a regular toast order.