Micronesian Legal Services Corporation (MLSC) honored late Ambassador Tony deBrum in an unveiling of the Ambassador Tony deBrum Memorial Plaque Ceremony at the Public Defender/MLSC building in Majuro last week.
Remarks were delivered by MLSC Board of Directors Chairman Robert Ruecho, Minister of Justice, Immigration, and Labor Mike Halferty, and Honorary Consul General for Israel Charles Domnick. Ruecho expressed his appreciation to the late Ambassador for his valuable and unselfish service to the people of the RMI and throughout Micronesia.
Prior to reading the MLSC Resolution, Minister Halferty recognized the late Ambassador deBrum for his significant contributions to the people and the country, and in particular his involvement in establishment of the MLSC here 45 years ago. The late Ambassador was described as one of the founding fathers of the MLSC in the Micronesia region.
Read more about this in the March 16, 2018 edition of the Marshall Islands Journal.