Journal 10/4/1983
P1 Documents signed for fishing base Documents concerning the Japan-Marshalls fishing base to be built in Majuro were signed today at the President’s office by Eiji Ishihara of Japan’s Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and Public Works Minister Charles Domnick.
P1 Bikinians interested in Hawaii land Bikini leaders are scheduled to meet with Maui Mayor Hannibal Tavares October 12 to finalize plans to buy land on Maui and Molokai. Earlier, the Bikinians announced in Washington, DC their desire to use part of their trust fund to purchase land on Maui.
Journal 10/6/1995
P1 Cultural Center for Delap Minister of Education Evelyn Konou signed bid documents for phase two of Marshall Islands High School Improvement Program funded by Japan September 27. It will result in a new Educational and Cultural Center, a complex housing two basketball courts, complete with bleachers and a stage for cultural meetings and events.
P7 Ebeye is big fish in local food plan Representatives of MIMRA and Japan International Cooperation Agency signed an agreement for the “Project for the strengthening of the Fish Marketing System in the outer islands.” Ebeye will be the home of a new building and a large ice machine, and will provide supplemental ice to three atolls, Namu, Likiep and Ailinglaplap.
P16 Health takes over PSC personnel function After protracted debate about the constitutionality of the proposed law, Bill No. 219 was passed by Nitijela during the final days of its recently concluded 16the Constitutional session. The bill provides for the Ministry of Health and the Public Service Commission to entire inane agreement for the Ministry to control is personnel.
P20 Kendall now ‘dean’ of Pacific diplomats Marshall Islands Ambassador Wilfred Kendall currently serves as the dean of the diplomatic corps for the Pacific region because of his seniority and familiarity with the US government.
Journal 10/6/2006
P6 NCT too poor to make payments There will be no “pro rata” personal injury payments this month, according to the Nuclear Claims Tribunal. The Tribunal started making annual percentage payments for claimants in 1991. The Tribunal’s claims fund has just over $1 million. An annal pro rata payment of even one percent “would amount to just over $900,000, which would effectively exhaust the fund,” the Tribunal said in the decision issued by Chairman Jim Plasman and Member Greg Danz.
P8 BOMI approves 15 micro loans In the first month since the Taiwan-funded micro loans began being issued by Bank of Marshall Islands, 15 people have obtained loans through the scheme. BOMI said that a total of $54,000 has been lent to 15 individuals.
P11 James offers ideas for atolls’ books Marshall Islands mayors want the national government to pay attention to their ideas for imploring local government work, flow of funding, and accountability. Testifying on behalf of the Marshall Islands Mayors Association at a recent budget hearing, Rongelap Mayor James Matayoshi advanced a number of proposals to improve the current situation. Among these was that the Ministry of Internal Affairs should hire one or more qualified accounting people to handle local government accounts who will work with each of the 24 local governments to submit their quarterly funding requests and reports, he said. “The local governments don’t have funding to hire financial people,” he said. “There should be a centralized system with Internal Affairs.