Majuro had the second busiest month of the year in November, as tuna transshipment activity picked up.
The 23 transshipments in November was the highest since January saw 41 tuna transfers. This year has seen transshipment activity much reduced compared to recent past years, with increased transshipment activity in other ports including Tarawa, Kosrae, Pohnpei, and further south in the Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea.
In November, Nauru-flagged purse seiners accounted for the most transshipments with seven. Taiwan purse seiners were next with six, and RMI and FSM-flagged vessels both had five each.
Of the 23 tuna transfers, 20 were transshipments from purse seiners to carrier vessels in the lagoon, two split their catches between dockside unloading into freezer containers and transshipping to carriers, while one vessel unloaded all of its catch on shore.
The 23 transshipments in November brings the 11-month total to 144 — an average of 13 per month.