US changes RMI’s status

Front pages of highlighted news stories from past years.

Journal 9/21/1982

P1 Marshalls Billfish Club wins Hawaiian tournament The Marshalls Billfish Club last month won the Hawaiian International Billfish Tournament putting the country on the sport fishing map in a big way. Ramsey Reimers’ 711-pound Pacific Blue Marlin was the biggest fish of the tournament and the second largest caught on 50-pound line in the history of the 24-year-old tournament. Other team members were Ronnie Reimers, Wally Milne, and Tom Michels.

P3 Power back Power is returning to “normal” following breakdowns of the 1,000 KW generator and a 750 KW White-Superior which will be down for some time awaiting parts. Public Works Secretary Noel Bigler said one more generator may be online by September 22. Bigler said he understands the new power plant may be able to take care of feeder three — now handled by Tobolar — starting in November. However, the whole island will have to wait until around the first of the year, he surmised.

Journal 9/23/1994

P1 Winning catch Bwiji Aliven and his teammates Melvin Aliven and Stanley Antony was joined by Miss Mobil All-Micronesia Barbara Samuel after weighing in a 314 pound marlin to win the Second Annual Mobil All-Micronesia Fishing Tournament. Teenager Bwiji, who won the President’s Cup in July with a year of remarkable catches, continued his winning ways, leading his team to victory in the Mobil All-Micronesia.

P1 AMI GM predicts: 2 months to profit Air Marshall Islands DC-8 jet service to Honolulu is back to normal — but “normal” now means three flights weekly to Honolulu and will soon include regular tuna shipments to Guam and Saipan. “I predict that the DC-8 will be profitable in the next 60 days,” said AMI General Manager Steve Fulk.

P13 Concerns on Kwajalein A US Congressman asked the Secretary of the Army about alleged job discrimination at the Kwajalein missile range. Rep. Ron De Lugo, chairman of the House Subcommittee on Insular and International Affairs, wrote Army Secretary Togo West, Jr. August 1 expressing concern “about allegations of discrimination against local employees by a contract at the Army’s missile range at Kwajalein Atoll.” De Lugo quoted Kwajalein Senator Alvin Jacklick’s comments about certain Marshallese workers getting paid less for doing the same work as non-Marshallese Johnson Control workers.

Journal 9/23/2005

P3 Postal rates set to soar in 2006 Postal rates to and from the Marshall Islands are expected to increase as much as 55 percent beginning in 2006 as a result of provisions in the amended Compact of Free Association, according to a report on the website The US Postal Service has issued a proposed “rule” that would begin the process of changing the RMI to be treated as an international destination for postal rates. As former American territories, the Marshall Islands and Federated States of Micronesia have both enjoyed designations as US domestic mail zones.

P10 Speeding bullet You know how they always described Superman? “…Faster than a speeding bullet…” This week, the definition of “speedy” was redefined here in laid back, “let’s do it tomorrow” Majuro city. Tuesday afternoon, Ralik Ratak Shootout game between Jaluit and Jabat, and in the middle of a fast break, suddenly one of the Jaluit players ends up on the floor clutching his leg, moaning in pain. Game is stopped but he can’t be moved, it’s too painful. So William Ring, who’s up in the V7AB broadcast booth announcing the games, puts an “SOS” on the air. “Hospital, we have a problem at the ECC that needs the ambulance. Please come quickly.” Literally, in under three minutes, the ambulance was at the ECC doors, with two ER guys collecting the injured player on a stretcher. Which shows you, fire or not, those emergency room guys are on the (basket) ball.


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