P5 About Edward Doane by Mary Browning The following was published in The Missionary Herald, a publication of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, February 1859, concerning the early months of mission work at Ebon. It will be remembered that Messrs. Doane and Pierson, with their wives, were left at Ebon by the Morning Star in December, 1857. Mr. Doane has forwarded extracts from his Journal. Journal of Mr. Doane, January 4-March 10, 1858: “…There have been some attempts…to steal from us, and even to enter our house in the night; but we were awakened in time to put the thief to flight. As to our lives, we have experienced the most perfect safety; and we are gaining rapidly, I trust, upon the affections of the highest chief. Dr. Pierson has been enabled to hold service each Sabbath since our landing, and he has his house crowded…I am giving all my time to the acquisition of the language…”
Journal 11/29/1991
P22 Embassy party starts off Peace Corps Week Official observance of Peace Corps Week in the Marshall Islands began Monday with a reception at the American Embassy, Majuro, in honor of the occasion. Hosting the affair were Ambassador and Mrs. William Bodde. The keynote speaker of the evening turned out to be Oscar “The Chief” deBrum who side-tracked into comments relative to an on-going bet he has with the Ambassador with regard to the capturing of various types of fish. It was also nice to note that local businessman Jerry Kramer has been given the title of honorary Peace Corps volunteer. We understand that he only paid $100,000 for the degree and is now permitted to travel to the US without a visa. Tony Mondello, one of the original volunteers who arrived in 1966, along with Mike Malinowski and Dave Anderson, who served on Ujelang, were in Majuro for the celebration.
Journal 12/1/2000
P1 RMI saves $4 million Private elementary and high schools are saving the RMI government nearly $4 million in annual education costs, according to a recently released Ministry of Education report. Private schools enroll about 30 percent of the RMI’s total elementary and high school population. Multiplying the average per-student spending by the Ministry of Education by the number of students in private schools (4,366) shows the cost savings to the RMI government is $3,975,902.
P2 Moon pledges millions to Pacific countries Plans to establish a Pacific governmental task force and the offer of multi-million dollar development aid from the Rev. Sun Myung Moon were among key developments from the international conference held in Majuro last weekend. Sponsored jointly by the RMI government and the Inter-religious and International Federation for World Peace, the meeting brought together about 40 people from the region.
P18 Wind, water, waves…how they work by Matt Holly I have been in or watched virtually every Majuro weather event since I filmed the waves rolling across Majuro in November 1979. If I don’t know about it, I know where to look it up. I have sunk it, floated it, filmed it, fixed it, cut it, and built it underwater. I have gained experience and knowledge on every occasion. I have made mistakes and can tell you how it feels to get slammed in a monster wave…I am fortunate, and have learned from this, too.
P28 Are you aware that a recent census report shows that from 1988 to 1999, the working age population increased by 7,454, but the total number of employed persons in the RMI increased by only 85?