US upset at money abuse

Front pages from relevant weeks, 1984, 1996, 2007.

Journal 7/6/2984

P3 Robot dancing competition The big disco robot competition at Marshall Islands High School drew hundreds of fans to watch the Kamikazi team from Rita take top honors. Popping into second place was the Ebeye Street Breakers and following them closely was the King of Eagles. Miss Robot, the only girls popping team, came in for a good showing at fourth place. Robot dancing is really catching on here and video tapes with robot and pop dancing are the big sellers at local video tape rental outlets. Gloves, white shoes and baggy pants are the standard uniform for these smooth moving kids — and Michael Jackson is their idol.

P4 The Rainbow rider The Journal has been carrying quite a bit of news from the clubs around the island lately, like pool tournaments at Limjelele, television fights at Yacht Club, and tournament meetings at Lanai. Sadly, Rainbow Club, the best and most famous club in the Marshalls has been shortchanged ion the exchange. Well, not so this week. Hemilson Phillip of Malem, Kosrae, along with Nores Langu, also of Malem, boldly rode his motorcycle into Rainbow, had Nores pluck a quarter into the juke for a rendition of “Take Me Back To My Home Town,” and no one did anything about it. Claims Hemilson: “This is the first time ever. My Honda is the famous one.”

P5 Crackdown on government vehicle misusers A crackdown on misuse of RepMar motor vehicles was carried out today after regular working hours — the crackers were demanding to see permission slips for the many vehicles used for purposes of a personal nature. The crackdown uncovered quite a few instances of jamming at taxpayers expense.

P5 Good job The new wing at Seventh Day Adventist School is nearing completion. Next school year there will be no split schedule.

P7 Restoration progressing Restoration of the deBrum plantation house on Likiep is progressing nicely. Restoration of the 18×24 workshop has been completed, the stairway has been finished and the main house windows should all be in by August. Project manager Noel Bigler of Pacific Fabrication says the house looks as beautiful as a new yacht with all the teak trim restore to its natural beauty. He just returned from two weeks work there and has a five-man crew currently working on Likiep.

Journal 7/5/1996

P1 New troublemaker for Majuro town If you want humble, don’t stop around the popular Marshall Islands Club these days, it ain’t on the menu. But they got larger gobs of braggadocio if you’re into hype, and the source of all this upbeat “can do and are doing” talk is a guy named Chris Martin, a Honolulu runaway who came down to do some consulting with the local club and then decided it was so good here he would stay.

P13 US upset at money abuse “When the (US compact) negotiators look at how the billion dollars of US money has been spent in this region, they will not be encouraged to send more money.” Thus spoke US Ambassador to the FSM Fong Eu, quoted in Pacific Daily News.

Journal 7/6/2007

P1 Pearl farm shut down After more than a decade of work to establish a viable black pearl industry, the pioneering aquaculture company in the Marshall Islands has officially shut down its last operation, leaving behind an “industry” that officials say will remain “unborn” without real support from the government. Robert Reimers Enterprises chief executive officer Ramsey Reimers told the Journal that RRE had to shut down its Jaluit pearl farm two weeks ago mainly for financial reasons. “A private company can’t do it alone,” he said. “Over the years, we’ve had to subsidize the operation from our other businesses but this is no longer feasible.”P3 Party time Twin July 4 parties were held at the Marshall Islands Resort on Wednesday. First to kick off was the special bash organized by Neal “Mr. EZ” Skinner at the little beach next to the Canoe House. Dozens of people turned up for what was tagged the “Party by the people, for the People.” Later in the day, the US Embassy hosted a more sedate event poolside.

P20 Majuro water a real worry “Water quality is coming more and more of an issue in the RMI because of increased urbanization, increasing populations and increasing economic challenges for many households and families,” says a 2007 Policy Discussion Paper on the water quality from the RMI Economic Policy, Planning and Statistics Office. The May 2007 water quality report released from the RMI Environmental Protection Authority confirms this, showing that only six out of 21 lagoon and ocean sites tested are safe for fishing and recreational activity.


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