Voting registration wraps up

The last person to register to vote Friday December 30 was Cloritha Kinebal, center, who is pictured here with Electoral Administration staff, from left: Matthew Jr. Leban, Jill-Ann J. Momotaro, Ruth Graham and Chief Electoral Officer Ben Kiluwe. Photo: Hilary Hosia.


Cloritha Kinebal will go down in history as the last person to register to participate in the upcoming 2023 national elections.

Cloritha was in line with a crowd of 50 when Marshall Islands Police Department Officer Erica Reimers ended the registration process last Friday when the clock struck 5pm. What this meant was that only those in line at 5pm could register. Erica kept an eye on things to ensure that only those in line continued into the office to complete their registration.

Erica was implementing a directive from the Attorney General’s Office not to allow anyone to register or change votes after the 5pm deadline. Erica had to turn some people away who showed up after 5pm. Some were angry while the majority were friendly about the rule.

Chief Electoral Officer Ben Kiluwe and team were relieved when Cloirtha completed her voter registration process.

“Alright, onto more paperwork now,” the team said following Cloritha’s registration.


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