Wally big haul in 1990

Front pages of 1984, 1996 and 2007.

P1 Air Tungaru leases AMI 748 The island nations of Kiribati, Tuvalu, Fiji and the Marshall Islands are closer together today as a result of an agreement signed by Air Tungaru and Air Marshall Islands whereby our 748 plane will fly weekly to Fiji via the other two nations under charter by Air Tungaru of Kiribati.

P6 Packed place The RRE weekend warehouse sale at the old MIECO theater attracted thousands of customers. Bargains were plentiful for every member of the family.

Journal 6/28/1996
P3 9 sworn into US armed forces
Nine Marshallese citizens were sworn into the US armed forces by Lt. Commander Anna Rybat last Friday during a ceremony at the hospital library. In order to be eligible, the nine successful applications, three women and six men, passed an Armed Forces Vocational Aptitude Battery test followed by a physical examination. The nine are: Herkinos Herkino, Take Gideon, Bernard Adiniwin, Edward Adiniwin, Macfarland Aikne, Jennifer Tareo, Naiomi Ysawa, Julio Elkinwor and Verna Lissa Samson.

P6 Once more with Waan Aelon Kein Good news for traditional sailing craft enthusiasts: the Marshalls are to be represented in the upcoming Pacific Arts Festival in Samoa next month by the famous Enewetak “Waan Aelon Kein” 50-foot walap. According to project director Dennis Alessio, RMI will be providing fares to Samoa for the canoe crew and New Zealand will be responsible for the delivery of the boat to the festival. At the last festival in the Cook Islands, the canoe amazed everyone with its stunning performance in terms of speed, beauty and handling.

P15 Small fish This week’s 46th anniversary celebration at RRE got off to a swinging start with the annual bottom fishing tournament held Saturday. Forty-seven teams registered: small boats, big boats and even one lame duck — Captain Peter Gigante’s entry.

P19 Scenic Sunday Fifteen passengers boarded an AMI Dornier last weekend and headed off to Likiep for a “Scenic Sunday.” AMI’s latest promotional flights have been running to different outer islands each week for over a month now and the majority have been fully booked.

P20 Posing with the locals The Journal’s roving photographer was cruising by the Ajeltake store owned and operated buy Senator Wilfred Kendall and Rosemary Kendall when the smell of fresh prepared island food stopped her. Entering the store, confronted with an amazing display of local and imported foods, the visit was further distracted to see a wall of photographs. There, in the photos, were quite a few well-known people, like Bill and Hillary Clinton, Ronald Reagan and George Bush. They all had one thing in common: They were posing for the camera with Senator Iroaki. It’s really nice to know that during his stint in Washington as RMI Ambassador, Senator Kendall took the time to pose with some of the locals there.

Journal 6/29/2007
P3 Flashback to the ’90s
One of the greatest single day catches in the history of the Marshalls Billfish Club’s annual two-day July tournament was by angler Wally Milne in 1990. At the time he received a lei from Miss Billfish Viola Chong Gum upon arrival at the dock to weigh in his incredible catch of marlin and yellowfin tuna. MBC celebrates its 25th anniversary next weekend in Majuro.

P10 Special Moonlite reunion Representatives from several popular local string bands attended a special traditional music get-together recently at Robert Enoch’s takeout in Laura. Those who attended hear music they made famous int he 1970s and 1980s, digitally re-recorded onto a CD for release this summer as the Moonlight Awa’s Volume One CD. The Moonlite Recording Project is located at Scott Stege’s office at RRE Joining Robert Enoch and Toring Peter (Skate Em Le) at the get-together were Jorelik and Lydia Tibon (Kabo Lal), Emjiem Mejitian (Laura Settlers), Jitbon Jacob (Exers Ran), Clanny “CC Clemento” Clement (Konana Ran and Operation 1) and Kelai Nemna (Laura Tipler). Marti Laida, the Maloelap Butterfly, missed the meeting but later joined in supporting the CD release. Scott and Ali Jermiah from Moonlite Awa also joined the gathering of legendary RMI musicians.


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