War declared on the US

Front pages from 1985, 1997 and 2008.

Journal 4/12/1985

P1 Big bucks loans spark hot debate A special session of the Nitijela was called last Friday to approve a series of loans totaling more than $8.5 million that the RMI is arranging for the purchase of new airplanes for Air Marshall Islands, the proposed milk factory, and fishing and cargo boats and warehouses for the outer islands. The most controversial of the three appeared to be the proposed $1.1 million loan for establishment of a dairy factory on Majuro, which stimulated numerous questions from opposition senators regarding the economic feasibility of the project.

P8 Majuro business organize New officers were chosen for the newly reconstituted Majuro Chamber of Commerce Tuesday at the Galley lunch held for the meeting. The 27 businesses represented elected Bank of Guam Manager Joe Ayuyu president. Other officers are: Jerry Kramer, vice president, Patsy Muno, secretary, and Grant Labaun, treasurer.

Journal 4/11/1997

P7 Ground broken for Majuro’s first multi-screen complex Ground was officially broken for the first multi-screen theater complex in the Marshall Islands when Pacific Marshalls Inc. (Gibson’s), landowners, government and Pacific International Inc. officials took shovels in hand last Thursday evening in Majuro to launch the project.

P7 War declared against US The Kingdom of EnenKio Atoll has declared war against the United States, and is seeking the support of the Marshall Islands government for its action. It is also demanding that the US negotiate an “honorable” agreement with the true landowners of the northern-most atoll in the Marshall Islands, otherwise known as Wake Island. The Journal received a two-page press release this week from the Honolulu-based “office of the state secretary” saying that for the past four years they have been trying to get in touch with the Marshall Islands government without success. Nor has the US government paid any attention to the “dozens of disclosures, statements, letters and legal actions taken since the government of the Kingdom was established in 1993.” In a highly publicized case several years ago, the High Court declared an agreement that Robert Moore had signed with Iroij Murjel Hermios to be unconstitutional. The government questioned the validity of the agreement, which essentially gave Moore complete control of all the Ratak Chain islands, including Wake (Enen Kio), and authority to act on Hermios’ behalf. But the High Court said that because the agreement had the effect of alienating land, it was null and void. Despite the ruling, Moore has continued to claim representation of Hermios and to claim authority for Wake.

Journal 4/11/2008

P1 The rice crisis The cost of living in the RMI is about to go up another notch as fuel surcharges, freight rates and world prices on essential staple foods such as rice and flour are skyrocketing.

P10 Race is on to win Ailinglaplap gold A whopping $73,000 is up for grabs in Ailinglaplap races being held May 9 and 10, according to Iroij Anjua Loeak’s son, Whitney Loeak, who made the announcement at last Thursday’s Marshall Islands Tourism Association meeting at RRE Bokanake. Loeak said about 20 canoes will compete in the feature event, which will see boats race from Woja to Jeh. First prize will be $20,000, second $10,000 and third $5,000. The two leading iroij from Ralik Chain, Iroij Anjua and Iroij Imata Kabua, are putting up the money for the races.

P13 Is he alive? There’s a teacher over at CMI who is glad to be among the living, and has enlisted the support of his students to help him ensure this situation continues. We’re talking about Ted Stepp, who works in the development program at CMI. Now, dear readers, you may think this a rather mundane fact, but we assure you from Ted’s viewpoint, it is critical to his life on planet Earth, seven degrees north, Majuro. For sometime, Ted’s been concerned with the sounds of the letter “t” and “d” — as in, what’s the difference in how you pronounce “dip” and “tip?” He’s got his students doing all kinds of interesting speech practice. This recently culminated in the students presenting two-minute speeches full of words beginning with “t” and “d” that was video taped. Happily, Ted sees great progress among his students. And that’s a good thing for his continued existence as a human being. Now, when he’s greeted by his students in the hallways, they are more likely to call him “Ted” instead of “Dead.”

P25 The Coop School’s nine grade wonder Majuro Cooperative School Principal Kathy Stratte announced details of the Delap school’s plan to launch ninth grade in August. “Many people have heard the rumors that Majuro Cooperativ eSchool is planning to expand its current program to include a high school,” she said. “It’s not just rumor — it’s true!” Stratte said the school broke ground March 10 for two new classrooms for the middle school and the first ninth grade in the school’s history. Over the next four years, beginning August, the school will add a grade level each year. The first class to graduate from Majuro Cooperative High School will be the class of 2012.


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