Journal 3/4/1983
P1 Alvin Jacklick new Kwaj mayor As predicted by many Ebeye restaurant goers, Alvin Jacklick has swept to victory in the Kwajalein Atoll mayoral race. Unofficial results give Jacklick 215 votes, Kunio Lemari 64 and Sato Maie 38. The top eight vote-getters for the council race are: Ned Nemra, Wilmer Bolkeim, Alee Jeadrik, Kinoj Mawilon, Charles deBrum, Bed Korok, Ijimura Lautona, and Johnny Lemari.
P1 Out of water Majuro is completely out of rain water, according to Noel Bigler, secretary of Public Works. People must now rely on well water. Public Works is digging wells free of charge.
P8 Women’s softball league The Majuro women’s softball league officials opens March 5. Teams which have registered: Nine to Five, Rough Riders, Limanman, Honeycomb and new this year is Ballbusters of MCAA.
Journal 3/10/1995
P1 Fish and coconuts The heads of state of four small island nations signed a broad cooperation pact in Majuro on Monday, setting the stage for establishment of the first central Pacific bloc within the South Pacific Forum. The Marshall Islands, Nauru, Kiribati and Tuvalu signed a communique agreeing to develop airline, shipping and other trade links.
P6 Majuro’s water crisis worsens Majuro’s water crisis worsened this week as the dry season intensified. Scant rain and increased demand for water has combined to reduce Majuro’s water reserves to just 2.5 million gallons this week. That is barely two days worth of water at present usage levels.
P17 Bwiji’s four wins Catch-5 tournament Defending President’s Cup champion Bwiji Aliven and his team on Kijoñ Kan had a 141 pound blue marlin to go with their 20 pound wahoo, 14 pound mahimahi and 13 pound barracuda. Together with 400 bonus points for catching in four categories, Bwiji’s team totaled 588 tournament points to take the $500 first place check and a $200 gift certificate from tournament sponsor RRE. Peter Fuchs, Majuro Division manager for tournament sponsor Robert Reimers Enterprises, presented to Bwiji the $500 first place check and a $200 gift certificate from RRE.
Journal 3/10/2006
P3 Bikini, Enewetak, Rongelap set to file suit in US “We’ll see you in court.” That’s the message coming from three of the four nuclear test-affected atolls that are gearing to file lawsuits in in US costs seeking more than $1 billion in compensation.
P4 AMI losses staggering Air Marshall Islands lost nearly $2 million in both 2002 and 2003, but reduced its losses to $1 million in 2004, according to the latest RMI Auditor General’s report to Nitijela. AMI’s three-year operating loss was over $4.7 million.
P22 I-Kiribati couple safe after 35 days drifting at sea It was supposed to be a simple 30-mile trip from Tarawa, the capital of Kiribati, to Maiana. But instead the four-hour trip turned into a 35-day ordeal for the 52-year-old couple, Taate Toakai and Botara Betaia. The couple, who are staying with relatives while transiting Majuro, drifted over 1,200 miles after their 40hp engine quit working. They left Tarawa December 30 and were picked up on the morning of February 2 by a Korean fishing vessel.
P28 Water Majuro Water and Sewer Company’s fresh water levels at the airport reservoir have dipped under 20 million but that is still okay for maintaining the Monday-Wednesday-Friday water hours in the capital.
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