Journal 1/2/1987
P1 Youth speak out on US tour
Two Marshallese youth recently returned to Majuro following an out-of-the-ordinary visit to the United States. Assumption Elementary School teacher Carmen Samuel and Assumption High senior Lotey Kiluwe went to the US as part of the “Children of War” speaking tour, which brought over 60 young people from the Middle East, Central America, Southern Africa, Asia and the Pacific to speak to Americans about the ways young people a coping with war and oppression.

Journal 1/1/1999
P1 Garment workers leave
More than 170 Chinese garment factory workers left Majuro this week ending a year-long saga that had generated considerable concern in both government and the community. Lanco Pacific, the company that operated the garment factory in Laura, agreed to repatriate the garment workers after the Foreign Ministry formally requested their removal in mid-December.
P4 Police roadblocks net dozens of unlicensed cars
New Police Commissioner George Lanwi said this week that Public Safety is going to continue cracking down on drivers who are not licensed, registered or insured. Police roadblocks the day before Christmas last week resulted in dozens of of vehicles being impounded and their drivers being ticketed.
P10 Continental to use 737s
Continental Micronesia plans to switch to new generation Boeing 737-800 aircraft in mid-2000, the result of a massive aircraft refleeting program. Continental Micronesia Vice President Wally Dias said the new planes armor efficient and have better range than the Boeing 727s now in use. They are expected to allow Continental to bypass Johnson Island, which the airline now uses for a refueling stop on the island hopper route.
P18 CMI’s Gugeegue campus takes off
You have to be kidding! No way. Fat chance. The position can’t be filled. Actually the position was filled — in the summer of 1995, when Greg Sammer answered the call of Sister Dorothy Nook, then president of the College of the Marshall Islands on Majuro. He agreed to establishing a CMI campus at Kwajalein Atoll. Sammer was apparently the right man for the job. In two and a half years, he has turned three abandoned post-World War II buildings on Gugeegue Island into a CMI campus with a faculty of 13 full- and part-time instructors and 77 students.
Journal 1/1/2010
P1 Alvin in action
Monday is the launch of the first full Nitijela session under the Speakership of Alvin Jacklick (pictured above) and changes are already in motion. Senators will see some seats shuffled when they show up Monday to the opening. But the chair changes are just a hint of bigger reform on Jacklick’s agenda for the Marshall Islands parliament. “There is no question in my mind that the Nitijela must reform,” Jacklick told the Journal on Monday this week. The reform he wants is to refocus the members on their primary Constitutional duty: legislation. For the Nitijela staff, he wants to elevate their professionalism, capacity and provision of services to the members. The guiding goal: improve service.
P6 The sound of angels
What a great day last Tuesday turned out to be in the run-up to Christmas. Bank of Marshall Islands staff were feverishly working on loan applications for Christmas hopefuls and hand- ing out cash by the hundreds, and a bunch of customers sitting around enjoying the BOMI air conditioning when suddenly all were abruptly interrupted. Nicely interrupted, we should add. A 20-strong team of the Marshall Islands High School Gospel Choir livened up the bank with their fantastic brand of Christmas caroling. Then they made their way over to DAR and the newspaper office, entertaining the staff at the Journal. They also sang for departing passengers at Amata Kabua International earlier in the week, and their vocals were heard at Pay- less, Robert Reimers Enterprises and Marshall Islands Resort. Great entertainment as a result of plenty of practice and attention to detail. Success is in the details. Remember that, and you’ll go far.