Wrestlers name new team

Wrestling Federation representatives from left, Damien Jacklick, Zulu Anjain, Jr., Bremen Leban, Whitney Loeak, Waylon Muller and John Peralta. Photo: Hilary Hosia.


Waylon Muller and Damien Jacklick retained their top roles for the Marshall Islands Wrestling Federation following an election Tuesday at Aliang Restaurant in Uliga.

Waylon was re-elected President with Damien as Vice President. The other person to retain his role as Secretary was Carthney Laukon.

The Federation welcomed new member John Peralta for the treasurer’s post, replacing outgoing board member Chris Bing.

Whitney Loeak, Francis Silk and JR Bremen Leban were elected as Executive Board Members.

In addition to the election, the federation discussed the possibility of upgrading its current policies and bylaws to incorporate international standards — not just to attract funds but to evolve as a federation.

The federation will soon host planning for the upcoming 2025 Oceania Championship Games in American Samoa and the 2025 Pacific Mini Games in Palau in the summer.


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