45 years since Bravo

Front pages from 1987, 1999, and 2010.

Journal 3/6/1987

P1 Kwajalein workers pay cut
Concern is being expressed by Ebeye leaders and residents over the new law which substitutes Marshallese minimum wage of $1.50 an hour for higher US minimum wages which have applied to Kwajalein workers since the 1960s. New workers at the Kwajalein missile range will be taking a sizable pay cut, according to a provision in the Compact of Free Association.

P4 Capt. Lanwi will run Palau Police Academy
Police Captain George Lanwi will supervise the next Micronesia-wide police academy which will be held in Palau. He was chosen as commander of the Third Micronesian Public Safety Academy of Police by all the Micronesian police chiefs who met in Majuro last month.

P10 Commander launches ‘Good Neighbor’ policy
Kwajalein Army Commander Col. Richard Chapman has been on the atoll for six months. In that time, he has launched the Army’s new “good neighbor” policy to improve relations with the Marshallese residents of nearby Ebeye and the Marshall Islands government. The shifts are improving many day-to-day relations which had deteriorated in recent years.

Journal 3/5/1999

P1 Makali’i makes history
The Makali’i voyaging canoe arrived at Majuro’s pass about 1pm Wednesday this week, successfully completing the first segment of the Hawaiian canoe’s historic voyage through Micronesia. Many of the crew on board are very young, a second generation of sailors trained by Hawaiian navigators and sailors who were themselves students of Micronesian navigator Mau Piailug — who is onboard the Makali’i. “Mau came to teach us and now his students are taking him home,” said Clay Bertelmann, an organizer of the voyage.

P4 Ronnie wins second MBC tourney in a row
Captain Ronnie Reimers appears to be back to his winning ways after his second Marshalls Billfish Club tournament win in a row last Saturday. Ronnie, along with teammates Baron Bigler and Gerry Smith, took first place marlin with a 142 pounder, first place tuna with a hefty 98 pound yellowfin, and first place wahoo with a monster 53 pounder.

P6 Threepeat
Do you think that guys who talk about what lure they used to catch a fish are kinda boring? Well, not us. And to prove it, here’s the latest news from the creator of the made-in-Majuro Nuclear Warhead line of fishing lures, Gerry Smith. Last Saturday’s tourney was the third tournament in a row that the largest fish of the day was landed on a Nuclear Warhead trolling lure. “When will these other guys figure out that when they go fishin’, they should GO FISSION?” Gerry wants to know: “When you go to battle, don’t you want your side to have the best weapon?”

P7 The voice
Waston Attari, better known as Heavy D, can make even the most dull event seem like the Super Bowl when he broadcasts activities on V7AB.

P12 Marshalls marks 45th anniversary of Bravo
The 45th anniversary of the Bravo test was marked Monday with a call by the Foreign Minister for people to remember the Marshallese who have suffered from nuclear tests but have not been compensated or received medical treatment. Foreign Minister Phillip Muller wasn’t able to be at the opening of the public forum on Changed Circumstances Monday, but his statement was read to the audience.

Journal 3/5/2010

P2 Jack: We need to keep the promise
It is time for the United States and Marshall Islands governments to stop talking “at each other and start talking to each other” on unresolved nuclear test issues, Acting President Jack Ading said at Monday’s Nuclear Victims and Survivors Remembrance Day.

P7 Quotable
“Every day is nuclear victims day for me. So March 1 is my day off — I don’t do anything.” — Bikini Liaison Jack Niedenthal in response to what he was doing for March 1 Nuclear Victims Day anniversary.


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