96960 loss hurts nation

Journal 6/15/1984
P1 Hitting bullets with bullets A missile fired from Meck Island at Kwajalein successfully intercepted an incoming missile fired at the Marshalls from California on Sunday, according to the Pentagon. Associated Press reported that the missile from Kwajalein actually struck the California missile and that the interception, which was non-nuclear, demonstrates a great breakthrough in weaponry. “We really tried to hit a bullet with a bullet and it worked,” said Amoreta Hoeber, deputy assistant secretary of the Army.

P3 New Foreign Secretary The Marshall Islands announced the appointment of Steven Muller to the post of Foreign Secretary. Muller has carried the functions of the office in an acting capacity from time to time since the position was vacated by the now minister of the department, Tony deBrum.

P10 Quote of the week “There are four branches of government: the legislative, the executive, judicial and PII.”

Journal 7/14/1996

P7 That was some concert at MIHS Teenagers in Majuro are probably suffering this week after too much yelling and screaming during the Kapena concert on Friday. Hundreds of people turned up at MIHS gym to watch the group play their usual mixture of Pacific and western music.

P12 Outrigger hires 85 Outrigger General Manager Laverne Salvador said the new Outrigger hotel will be opening with 85 employees and with full occupancy, this number of workers could rise to 150. Training starts on July 3 and will be both classroom and on the job. The grand opening of the new hotel is scheduled for July 31.

Journal 6/15/2007

P1 US feels PO pain Top US government officials acknowledged to the Marshall Islands Chamber of Commerce the “great hardship” caused by postal changes in Compact II, and said they are discussing possible remedies. “The Departments of Interior and State are in close communication with the US Postal Service about the great hardship being inflicted” on the RMI and FSM by the current international postal designation, Interior Deputy Assistant Secretary David Cohen said in response to businessmen’s comments about the problems. Cohen accompanied Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne, who spoke to and answered questions from a packed audience at a Chamber of Commerce-sponsored event at Marshall Islands Resort. “The matter of cost is not the main issue,” Jerry Kramer said. The bigger problem is that the change to international now means customers can’t buy goods over the internet, and US vendors and even government agencies can’t get their letters delivered to RMI, he said. “They say the 96960 zip code doesn’t exist.”

P23 Waz HAP’n at Assumption? Assumption’s Higher Achievement Program (HAP) will open for its 11th consecutive summer on June 21. Beginning with 90 students in its opening summer, this year’s summer program has about 125 students registered and is continuing to accept students. Fr. Rich, pastor at Assumption, told the Journal he started the Assumption program after recognizing the need for a summer school program for public school students in the Marshall Islands.

P25 Sexually transmitted infections skyrocket A Ministry of Health annual report for fiscal year 2006 shows a dramatic increase in sexually transmitted infections in the RMI — including syphilis, chlamydia and gonorrhea. Of the 721 people tested for syphilis in 2006, 37 percent — 271 people — tested positive. This is more than five times the rate of infection reported in 2005.


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