Jerre Bennett

Gearing up for Grease

Gearing up for Grease

GIFF JOHNSON After a couple of decades of directing big theater productions in the Marshall Islands, Dartmouth College Professor Emeritus Andrew Garrod knows how to deliver. Most important ingredients are “don’t waste time” and include the right people in direction and production of an event that will involve 40 or more actors. In the don’t […]

Jerre in control at MIHS

Jerre in control at MIHS

Journal 4/16/1976 P2 The Nite Life, ain’t no good life, but it’s my life By Stoney My friend Jim Duffy was really drunk last night when he came to the Reef, there’s one thing with Duffy, when he’s drunk you can’t understand what he talk about, like when he’s talking to you about fishing, and […]