Alele promotes language use

Instructors Jensen Rufus (left) and Jonathan Laik explained how punctuation is used in Marshallese language to a group of upcoming fourth and fifth grade students from Assumption Elementary and Majuro Cooperative School. Photo: Hilary Hosia.


Alele Museum and National Archives kicked off a program at the beginning of the month to revive and promote Marshallese Language arts to children.

The unique curriculum targets both public and private school students in the eight-to-12 age group.

Instructors in the program are students majoring in Marshallese Studies at the College of Marshall Islands.

The 40 students enrolled in the program are broken into two groups: June 5-30 and July 10-August 4.

By the time they complete the program, students would have undergone Marshallese alphabet, chants, proverbs and proper phonics.


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