Visit Ebeye for only $10

Journal 1/15/1973

P5 Micronitor editorial box Editors Henry Asugar, Joe Murphy, Derson Ramon. Production editor: Ann Haymaker. Musician: Stony the huge Fijian. Advisor: John Paul Jones. Translator: Blumer Sibok. Cartoonist: Carle Rivard. Analyst: Martin Keith. Contributors: Jack Tobin, Mary Browning, Pedro Harris, Steve Murray, Dave Moss, Marciano Carlos, Alex Phillip. Staff: Carole Rivard, Blumer Sibok.

P8 Interior plumbing and aeronautics Pacific Enterprises Co. has recently opened up a Novelty Gift Shop on the second floor of Mieco. They boast a mail order service, Polynesian print materials (tailored to measurements by Mrs. Bob Nii into muumuus or aloha shirts)…Majuro Business Plaza, a two-building complex of office buildings under construction on the lot in front of the Air Mike office, has been taken over by Ace Importers. The project was originally begun by Mike Noland (the man who was the driving force behind the Eastern Gateway Hotel). But Mike has decided to call it quits in Majuro for the time being and head for his home island of Oahu.

Journal 1/19/1996

P1 Era of expansion A veritable explosion in hoel construction is characterizing 1996 in the nation’s capital, and the latest announced project, a 40-400m five star combination hotel/casino in Ajeltake looks to be the crowning glory of what’s on the horizon. To vein with, a small but tastefully done 10-room effort in the downtown area, Hotel Marshall Islands, herald in Majuro’s era of expansion. This local hotel, financed privately with no government assistance, came on line as the first harbinger of the coming Forum heads of state meeting later this year. Meanwhile, feverish workplace has been maintained on the under-construction 150-room government hotel in Delap. This project, being fast-tracked to completion, is also in anticipation of the Forum meeting. This past week, former Mili Senator Kejjo Bien unveiled plans for a 40-room high end luxury hotel on Bokkanje weto in Ajeltake. The centerpiece of this development is a casino, the to-be first casino in the Marshall Islands.

P9 Medical officer training Four students from the Marshall Islands are currently attending a training program being conducted in Pohnpei for medical officers. The Pacific Basin Medical Officers Training Program attendance will result in a qualification as medical officers for Marie Lanwi, Aina Garstang, Zackrias Zackrias and Tom Jack.

P12 Cover charge for entering Ebeye by Yeller Bnzmn I had a phone call from an old Ebeyean friend and he told me he wanted to share a story about how it is like living on Ebeye these days. “On Ebeye today, children 14-17 years old don’t have curfew hour anymore, they walk around the island 24 hours. My friend went to Kwajalein and met one of his friends who’s been working there for quite sometime. His friend was complaining about not being able to go to Ebeye anymore on weekends because he’s got no weekends any more. On Kwajalein you work on Saturday and don’t work on Monday, so no more weekends. American employees usually visit Ebeye now and then, especially on the weekend, but today these visitors must pay an entrance fee of $10 which is holding up many Americans from visiting. These Americans usually visit Ebeye, stay at Ebeye hotels, eat at the restaurants, go to the discos, and even stay rover one or two night, spending on almost everything. Today, disco places on Ebeye are filled with underage people, the hotels are losing customers, restaurants if lucky have four customers. Children 18-21 don’t work and they do go to school, they’re doing nothing. They need to be sent off for school but can’t because there’s no money. All the money is going down in the gambling machines…

Journal 1/19/2007

P1 Freight costs to soar in ’07 US postal rates for the Marshall Islands will jump again this year as part of the Compact’s phased-in international rate increase — a development that a major Marshallese businessman says is crippling the ability of local companies to get goods from the US through the post office.  “This is really affection the economy of the Marshall Islands and revenue for the government,” said G&L Enterprises owner Grant Labaun. “The US government should really look at this.”


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