By Journal on August 1, 2024
Anono Loeak, Chris Loeak, Eneen Jabro, Kwajalein, Loj'ae Rok, Lolelaplap, Michael LaManini Kabua, Mojen eo an Iroojlaplap Jeimata Kabua, Ralik Chain, Reimaanlok, Waan Aelon in Majol
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A milestone in the traditional sphere of governance in the Marshall Islands was reached last Saturday with the opening of the Lolelaplap Headquarters in Kwajalein Atoll. The Mojen (domain) eo an Iroojlaplap Bweio Jeimata Kabua is one of four domains in the Ralik Chain, under the leadership of Iroojlaplap Michael LaMañiñi Kabua. Last Saturday, the […]
By Journal on July 26, 2024
Handel Dribo, Kwajalein, Kwajalein islands, missile development, US Army
Back In The Day

Journal 7/21-28/1978 P2 Marshalls buys outA tough campaign waged over the question of accepting or rejecting the drafted Constitution of the Federated States of Micronesia resulted in a clear victory for FSM opponents in the district. Unofficial results as of July 23 gave the Jab (“no”) voters a 61.5 percent to 38.5 percent margin of […]
By Journal on July 18, 2024
Alvin Jacklick, Cathy Matauto, Ebjedrik Island, Hilary Hosia, Jeledrik Binejal, Kwajalein, Lawson Matauto, Marshalls Christian High School, Mike Sam, Rongrong, Telmong Jacklick Kabua, United Church of Christ
News Archive

HILARY HOSIA The United Church of Christ congregation in Majuro bid their final farewell to Reverend Harry Sam Monday evening prior to Harry’s departure to his resting grounds on Kwajalein. UCC core leadership President Rev. Lawson Matauto and Rev. Jeledrik Binejal presided over the service Monday at the UCC headquarters in Uliga while former Kwajalein […]
By Journal on February 8, 2024
Andrew Morgan, Connie Livai Jr, Elaisa Riklon, Ernest Miller, Hilary Hosia, Hirobo Obeketang, jobwa, Kilinwojke Kabua, Kitlang kabua, Kwajalein, Mike Kabua, Mike Sakaio, Operation Flintlock, Shimiko Chong Gum, Stacey Morgan, US Army Garrison-Kwajalein Atoll, USAG-KA
News Archive

HILARY HOSIA The remains of a fallen US service member believed missing since World War II in the Marshall Islands was finally homebound last week following the official handover by the US Army Garrison-Kwajalein Atoll (USAG-KA) at the Richardson Theater last Friday. The development was one of the many highlights during the four-day celebrations in […]
By Journal on November 10, 2023
gem, John Costello, Kwajalein, Kwajalein Missile Range, missile defense programs
Back In The Day

Journal 11/14/1986 P1 Soviets threaten UN vetoThe Soviet Union is preparing to mount a challenge to the Marshalls and the Federated States of Micronesia Compacts and the Mariana Islands commonwealth when they come before the United Nations Security Council. “The territories must get full, unrestricted independence which is not the case under this trust territory […]
By Journal on August 11, 2023
Annei Langijota, Aria Langijota, Atlas Anjain, David Kabua, Hilary Hosia, Jayce Anjain, Jessica Reimers Langijota, Kayah Anjain, Kwajalein, Lymman Beta Langijota, Lymman Langijota, Lyon Langijota, Makauleej, Mungadai mission, Naia Langijota, Richard Anjain
News Archive

HILARY HOSIA “I feel safe,” was the observation President David Kabua made when he stood between US Army Sergeant Major Lymman Beta Langijota and Chief Warrant Officer 2 Richard Anjain for a photo op Monday following the Nitijela opening. SGM Langijota and CW2 Anjain were part of the US Army Garrison-Kwajalein Atoll delegation that flew […]
By Journal on January 26, 2023
2035, Amata Kabua International Airport, climate change, education, employment, Eve Burns, flood, health, High tide, Kwajalein, Peace Park, reservoir, Roi-Namur Island, Traffic, US Geological Survey
News Archive

EVE BURNS Have you ever had to drive through a flooded road to get home? On Monday and Tuesday, people from the west side of Majuro had to navigate waves crashing across airport lagoon seawalls and barriers, and water and every kind of debris flooding onto the roads from the reservoir to the Peace Park. […]
By Journal on July 22, 2022
Kwajalein, United States Garrison Kwajalein Atoll
Back In The Day

Journal 7/26/1985P1 US smokescreen over Bravo The evacuation of Rongelap Atoll has brought into focus the conflicting views of Marshallese and US government officials regarding radiation exposure from nuclear tests. Marshallese are charging that the US deliberately exposed the people to fallout during the Bravo H-bomb test and predictably US officials deny this. But a […]
By Journal on May 26, 2022
Ailinglaplap, Amenta Matthew, Arno, Bank of the Marshall Islands, Brenda ALik, Ebeye, Ebon, Hilda Heine, Hirata Kabua, Jennifer Hawley, Kitlang Kabua., Kora Fund, Kwajalein, Lawson Matauto, Leilani Kemem, Majuro, Marie Maddison, Mars Wang, Mathilda Johnson, Mejit, Mike Kabua, Molly Helkena, Mon LaMike, Monique Graham, Tsai Ing-wen, Ujae, Wotje
News Archive

The Kora Fund issued its first loan to an Ebeye woman as part of its official launch for Kwajalein Atoll last week. A team of Kora (women’s) Fund and Bank of Marshall Islands officials went to Ebeye for the launch and to run a series of informational and training sessions about the new loan program. […]
By Journal on April 28, 2022
60 released, Covid19, Hilary Hosia, Kwaj Lodge, Kwajalein, Michael Diaz, MOHHS, Oling deBrum, quarantine, Taina Kubulala, US Army Garrison Kwajalein Atoll
News Archive

Sixty of the 70 people in the latest repatriation group were released Tuesday April 26 following multiple negative Covid tests. But 10, who tested positive at different times since they first arrived Kwajalein on April 12, are remaining in quarantine at the US Army Garrison-Kwajalein Atoll. The 60 released included 11 in Majuro and 49 […]