Marshall Islands Red Cross Society

Kayna: Chuuk’s Wonder Woman

Kayna: Chuuk’s Wonder Woman

HILARY HOSIA Kayna Kanemoto is probably the only athlete that competed in three different events in the just-completed Micronesian Games in Majuro. The Wonder Woman from Chuuk in the Federated States of Micronesia barely turned 18 at the beginning of the month prior to her arrival for the Games. Kayna was a star athlete in […]

Arno blasted by waves

Arno blasted by waves

In addition to Roi-Namur Island and islands in Ailinglaplap, several islands in Arno Atoll were blasted by high waves during the flooding January 20. Bikareej and Rearlaplap were particularly hit with ocean inundation, that tossed rocks, coral and debris onto the islands and damaged many houses and other facilities on the islands. The RMI government […]

Red Cross aids Majuro residents

Red Cross aids Majuro residents

The Marshall Islands Red Cross Society (MIRCS) as part of his auxiliary role to the government of the Marshall Islands responded to the ocean inundation caused by the recent high tides, which affected certain parts of Majuro Atoll especially Delap village, Small Island, Jenrok and Utrikan weto in Rita.Acting MIRCS President Divine Waiti said on […]

Silia expands horizons with Red Cross

Silia expands horizons with Red Cross

EVE BURNS Silia Peter has worked hard to earn her first aid and CPR license.Silia, 23, has been a volunteer with Red Cross since 2017. She was recently recognized with a leadership award and first aid certificate. She was chosen because she advances Red Cross’ cause to train more people in first aid and CPR […]

What’s better than one parade?

What’s better than one parade?

The 2019 Christmas Parade is due to continue this Saturday following what veteran parade announcers William Ring, Lisa Muller and Rosalie Mottelang called “one of the biggest turnouts” in years last Saturday. Despite not continuing past the airport point last weekend, thousands of kids of all ages, including big kids (adults) came out to see […]