ECC gym

Kayna: Chuuk’s Wonder Woman

Kayna: Chuuk’s Wonder Woman

HILARY HOSIA Kayna Kanemoto is probably the only athlete that competed in three different events in the just-completed Micronesian Games in Majuro. The Wonder Woman from Chuuk in the Federated States of Micronesia barely turned 18 at the beginning of the month prior to her arrival for the Games. Kayna was a star athlete in […]

Kwaj-RMI basketball series

Kwaj-RMI basketball series

Journal 5/7/1976 P11 The Nite Life by Stoney Talking with my Australian buddy Geoff Clark who just came back from Australia, he was saying about the service on Air Nauru is really excellent, and they really using their motto, “We’ll fly you across the Pacific and give you the best service you ever come across.” […]