By Journal on December 13, 2024
Bank of Marshall Islands, BOMI debit card office, Dickson Lomae, Hilary Hosia, Imaikta Junior
Feature Articles

Hidden behind the many layers of departments within the Bank of Marshall Islands main branch in Uliga is the Debit Card and Marketing office. This is where the hardworking duo Imaikta Junior (left) and Dickson Lomae were spotted last week. Their job is to ensure customers are satisfied in a timely fashion. The office is […]
By Journal on October 4, 2024
Bank of Marshall Islands, Cindy Chen, Goodwind Silk, Hermai Makroro, Patrick Chen, Velma Edwards
Feature Articles

Bank of Marshall Islands celebrated its 42nd anniversary of operations last week, with a big celebration at the main branch in Uliga. Dancing, food and a huge cake highlighted the event. BOMI employees were in high spirits and the dance performances brought smiles and laughter to the dozens of customers who joined the event.
By Journal on September 27, 2024
Bank of Marshall Islands, ECC gym, Kaben Meto, Ralik Ratak Shootout, Ralik Ratak Shootout Invitational Basketball Tournament, team Kwajalein, Team Majuro, Team Mili, Thomas Heine
Back In The Day

Journal 9/25/1987 P7 Book of figures finishedThe Republic of the Marshall Islands has completed publication of the Marshall Islands Statistical Abstract 1986, the second annual publication of the data source. The publication is largely the work of statistician Marty Jekkein, who is created by Chief Secretary Oscar deBrum with doing the actual compilation work. Journal […]
By Journal on June 7, 2024
Arno Atoll, Arno Koba Maron Company, Bank of Marshall Islands, Francis Reimers, RMI SBDC
Back In The Day

Journal 6/5/1987 P2 Shoplifting on riseAn increase in shoplifting has been noted by island retailer Robert Reimers Enterprises, and although some of the culprits are being apprehended by no means are all deft-of-hands being intercepted. Quite a few discarded items of clothes have been discovered of late in their Majuro downtown store, evidence that switched […]
By Journal on November 24, 2023
Bank of Marshall Islands, Debit card window, Ebeye, Kwajalein Atoll Local Government Police
News Archive

A robbery in broad daylight at the Bank of Marshall Islands’ debit card center resulted in an immediate change to the debit dispenser window, as seen in the photo. The debit card window slot has been modified so that people would have hard time reaching in to the secured area. Police from Kwajalein Atoll Local […]
By Journal on November 4, 2022
1982, Bank of Marshall Islands, Eve Burns, Jeledrik Binejal, Marshall Islands First Commercial Bank, Mathilda Johnson, MISCO, Patrick Chen, United Church of Christ, Velma Edwards
Feature Articles

EVE BURNS Bank of Marshall Islands proved at 40 they can party like a 16 year old. Rain and puddles did not stop BOMI from celebrating last Friday outside of the bank in Uliga. BOMI was first established in 1982, after the Marshall Islands First Commercial Bank closed down. “40 years is not easy,” former […]
By Journal on September 8, 2022
Alsina Thomas, Amaziah Lamata, Bank of Marshall Islands, Canada, Elmine Emil, Eve Burns, Giff Johnson, Handy Emil, Hong Kong, Japan, Kakom Paul, Laura High School, Majuro Cooperative High School, Marshall Islands United World College (UWC) National Committee, Mathilda Johnson, Reinse Lulu Emil, Simiko Jomuly, UWC, Velma Edwards.
News Archive

EVE BURNS, GIFF JOHNSON Marshall Islands United World College (UWC) National Committee selected three intelligent and sharp-witted young ladies as recipients of two-year scholarships to three different UWC schools abroad. UWC is made up of a network of 18 schools on four continents. The majority of them focus on high school, with some also catering […]
By Journal on May 13, 2022
Bank of Marshall Islands, Brenson Wase, ECD National Forum, Hilary Hosia, Kathryn Relang, Ministry of Culture and Internal Affairs, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health and Human Services, Patrick Langrine, Rebecca Lorennij, Velma Edwards
Feature Articles

In addition to informational briefings this week at the International Conference Center about the full rollout of the World Bank-supported Early Childhood Development project, a number of important specific aspects of the new program were launched. These included the Ministries of Health, Education and Culture and Internal Affairs signing agreements for this multi-ministry intervention that […]
By Journal on January 27, 2022
AKIA CAFE, Amata Kabua International Airport, Bank of Marshall Islands, Daniel Kramer, Dexter Jikit, Giff Johnson, Hangar Bar, Larry Hernandez, RMI Ports Authority, Suspension, United Airlines
News Archive

GIFF JOHNSON Major changes are ongoing at Amata Kabua International Airport in the wake of United Airlines’ suspension of air service to the capital beginning last week Wednesday. But even with the emergency action that is moving with unprecedented speed, it appears that it could be March at the earliest that passenger service can be […]
By Journal on October 14, 2021
Bank of Marshall Islands, Eve Burns, Jasmine Du, Jeffrey SC Hsiao, Kora Im Ankil, ROC Taiwan, women business start-up small loan, WUTMI
News Archive

The Taiwan-funded women’s small loan program known as Kora Im Ankil (KIA) Fund Inc. is getting down to business following a board of directors meeting last week that finalized bylaws and other details for the program to start. This week, Tuesday a small ceremony was held at Bank of Marshall Islands marking the official turnover […]