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Front pages from 1987, 1999, and 2010.

Journal 6/5/1987

P2 Shoplifting on rise
An increase in shoplifting has been noted by island retailer Robert Reimers Enterprises, and although some of the culprits are being apprehended by no means are all deft-of-hands being intercepted. Quite a few discarded items of clothes have been discovered of late in their Majuro downtown store, evidence that switched new clothing is missing. “The truth is that stealing adds to everyone’s cost,” said RRE store manager Phil Cagle.

P3 Marshallese in Forum
The Marshall Islands and Federated States of Micronesia have been accepted as full members of the South Pacific Forum, said Cook Islands Prime Minister Tom Davis. President Amata Kabua returned to Majuro this week from the Forum meeting in Apia, Western Samoa.

P6 27 pass military exam
Twenty-seven young Marshallese men and women were congratulated this week for pasting the US military’s entrance exam. Acting President Henchi Balos, Chief Secretary Oscar deBrum, and Education Minister Phillip Muller said they were proud of the group, mostly high school seniors, that passed. Carolina Edwin scored the highest among the 27. Others passing the test: Freddy Aaron, Earl Ray Alfred, Cynthia Andrew, Wena Anta, Mackpi Bwijko, Scott Davis, Orlando deBrum Jr., Carolina Henry, Randy Jack, Johnny T. Jennop, Louise Kiluwe, Izikiel Laukon, Melvin Leaj, Erlain Milne, Houston Mito, Jane Mizutani, Carney Terry, Yumiko Yamaguchi, Willa Ysawa, Zachraias Zachraias, Lilly Zackios, and Roland Zedkaia. From Ebeye: Bowen E. Bobo, Gibson A. Ishimura, Isaac K. Lanwi and Lorance Loeak.

P8 Classical music and tape deck walks off
The Journal reported recently that a RepMar official, while in Fiji during a (military) coup, got shoved up against a wall by a group of enlivened ethnics and relieved of his (fortunately) relatively small amount of pocket change. This incident turns out to be light by comparison to Majuro Friday night in which the same RepMar official got robbed by a quiet house-enterer. The music-aficionado made off with a very expensive tape player and a comprehensive gaggle of classical tapes. Can’t you just see it, the open-holed knees on the jeans, the armless t-shirt, the frazzled and unkempt hair, and the unmistakable strains of the 1812 Overture melding into what would unquestionably be the most oblique form of subtlety this side of Jenrok beach.

P15 Group pushes Marshallese
The Kajin Majol Language Commission is working to come up with a standardized spelling system for the Marshallese language, said Commission member Alfred Capelle. The spelling system is one part of the Commission’s work to uplift the status of Marshallese language usage, said Capelle, the Resource Protection Officer at Alele Museum.

Journal 6/4/1999

P1 Feeding frenzy
There’s going to be a feeding frenzy at Bikini and divemaster Fabio Amaral is going to be right in the middle of it — he’ll be at the center of two feeding frenzies, one involving hungry sharks, the other some hungry news media. Amaral is going to have a full house at Bikini with dozens of divers, filmers, producers and television technicians who being arriving next week. He’ll get a starring role in the picture, too, in the company of Bikini’s notorious shark population. Note underwater filmer Al Giddings — of Titanic and The Deep fame — arrives next week with the first wave of divers and filmers from the the Discovery Channel.

Journal 6/4/2010

P15 Arno gets a tourism boost
A significant development related to the outer islands is now being created by Francis Reimers on Arno Atoll. The target of recognition in a recent article featured in Pacific Business Partners (a publication of Pacific Islands Small Business Development Center), Reimers’ operation, Arno Koba Maron Company, is reported to have successfully completed necessary paperwork and plan preparation to qualify for a loan under the Bank of the Marshall Islands’ Micro Credit Scheme. The program is funded by Taiwan. In addition to successfully establishing a business on Arno, Reimers has also provided job opportunities for residents of this remote location. As reported by the RMI SBDC, the Arno operation features two units of a bed and breakfast and what is described as “a breath-taking view of Arno lagoon.”


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