By Journal on May 19, 2022
Bank of the Marshall Islands, Brenson Wase, Conditional Cash Transfer, Early Childhood Development National Forum, Hilary Hosia, International Conference Center, Kano Muller, Rebecca Lorennij, Velma Edwards, World Bank
News Archive

Bank of Marshall Islands (BOMI) agreed to waive usual bank account application fees for women enrolled in the Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) program. The news was shared during the signing of an agreement between BOMI and the national government last week at the International Conference Center during the Early Childhood Development National Forum. The CCT […]
By Journal on May 13, 2022
Bank of Marshall Islands, Brenson Wase, ECD National Forum, Hilary Hosia, Kathryn Relang, Ministry of Culture and Internal Affairs, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health and Human Services, Patrick Langrine, Rebecca Lorennij, Velma Edwards
Feature Articles

In addition to informational briefings this week at the International Conference Center about the full rollout of the World Bank-supported Early Childhood Development project, a number of important specific aspects of the new program were launched. These included the Ministries of Health, Education and Culture and Internal Affairs signing agreements for this multi-ministry intervention that […]
By Journal on March 31, 2022
Ainikien Kora Forum, Australian Aid, Chewy Lin, ICC, IOM, Jeledrik Binejal, Jeremiah Knight, Kitene Alberttar, Kitlang kabua, Mejerik Club, Rebecca Lorennij, SPC, US Embassy, WUTMI
News Archive

A National Women’s Forum started this week Wednesday at the International Conference Center in Majuro. A large turnout of well over 100 people came together for the Ainikien Kora Forum (literally, the Voice of Women Forum). The major focus of the event is to “raise awareness across all key stakeholders and national decision makers about […]
By Journal on October 25, 2018
Alele Museum, Carol Curtis, Joachim deBrum, Karen Stewart, Mabel Peter, Melvin Majmeto, Rebecca Lorennij, Tony deBrum, US Embassy
News Archive

Alele Museum received $25,000 from the US Embassy Wednesday following a signing ceremony between Alele Executive Director Melvin Majmeto and US Ambassador Karen Stewart. Alele Manager Carol Curtis and Board Members Mabel Peter and Rebecca Lorennij witnessed the handover.
By Journal on December 22, 2016
Alfred Alfred, Amenta Matthew, Anderson Kattil, Barbara deBrum, Biuma Samson, Brenson Wase, Cathy Kramer, Daisy Alik Momotaro, Daniel DW Tang, David Kramer, Dennis Momotaro, Jr., Karen Stewart, Kenneth Kedi, Ladie Jack, pig house, piggery, Rebecca Lorennij, Sherwood Tibon, Tony Muller
News Archive

ROC Ambassador Daniel DW Tang and R&D Minister Alfred Alfred, Jr. jointly hosted a ribbon cutting ceremony for the Taiwan Technical Mission’s new pig house last week. Speaker Kenneth Kedi, Minister Amenta Matthew, Senators David Kramer, Dennis Momotaro, Daisy Alik Momotaro, and Sherwood Tibon, US Ambassador Karen Stewart, R&D Secretary Rebecca Lorennij, Majuro Mayor Ladie […]