Journal 10/15/1973
P1 Marshall Islands museum nears completion A sprawling gray structure with a yellow-green roof, supported one story off the ground by concrete posts, and with the heavy, blank look that only unpainted concrete can have — this is the new Marshall Islands museum as it nears completion at its site near Uliga Protestant Church. It was designed by Carleton Hawpe, an architect residing in Majuro.
P4 Expert watchmakers Two local men, one from the Marshalls and one from Kusaie, have just returned to the Trust Territory after completing a year and a half training course at the Bulova School of Watchmaking in New York. The two men, Anju Jejjon of Majuro and Aisur Tholl of Kusaie, are now classified as expert watchmakers qualified to repair all types of timepieces.
P11 HiCom to launch ‘education for self-government’ The Trust Territory government will move decisively during the next several months to fill the need for more and better political education in Micronesia. Calling it “education for self-government in Micronesia,” High Commissioner Edward E. Johnson announced October 15 on Saipan that a program of political education that will utilize all media is being launched by the government’s executive branch under overall coordination of director of public affairs Strik Yoma.
Journal 10/12/1984
P1 3,000 historical photos being processed An ambitious project is being carried out at present under the auspices of the Alele Museum to preserve and possibly print as many as 3,000 historical negatives produced by the famous Marshall Islands photographer Joachim deBrum.
P4 Edinal tops in billiards Edinal Jorkan breezed through four opponents Friday night to walk away with first prize in the weekly eight-ball billiard tournament at the Limjelele. Edinal beat Luke in the final game and picked up $50 for his efforts.
P5 Sidewalk cafe If you are into sidewalk cafes, Majuro may be just the place for you. Look no further than the Deli at Robert Reimers. Now, you not only have the opportunity to grab a delicious sandwich or drink, but you also get a chance to sit outside and watch the world (or likatus) go by. You can even read the latest edition of the Journal or Pacifica ’84 or Pacific Daily News here — all three publications after sold at RRE’s newsstand. But we didn’t mention great coffee. Won’t either. This is not an ad.
P5 Quote of week From JP Jones who said of the new open-air Yacht Club: “Gee, Tom, did you run out of money to build a wall in the back?”
P5 How do you get there? Majuro is kind of unique in the fact that we have no addresses or street names or numbers. Turn right at the hole in the road, past the second pandanus after the 17 mile marker, or the next house after Ajeltake school. You know the pink house across from Bigler’s on the lagoon side or some such good information. Trying to give someone directions, you have to know how long they lived on island. Everyone knows Mrs. Bing’s Restaurant but try to tell a newcomer where it is, there’s no sign except for you know, between 7° N and the Chinese bank. Bend in the road, the speed bump, a big tree, an old discarded auto or boat, the 7-11. You say you’re invited to a kemem? Well, luckily after the second curve in the road, before you get to the airport (if you’re late) you’ll see a lot of cars parked. Well, that’s the place. How many times have I heard, you know the third house this side of Martin’s? And Martin has been gone for five years.
Journal 10/18/1996
P8 What’s going on? An undeniable and continuing trend in qualified Marshallese citizens opting to “vote with their feet” by relocating on either a semi-permanent or permanent basis in the US is serious cause for reflection here in the islands. And while the drain of this upper crust of educated and motivated citizens continues, their replacement, it seems, will be in the form of newly franchised Chinese Marshallese citizens, invidudals who see the Marshall Islands as a land of unquestioned opportunity, opportunity so alluring they are willing to pay thousands of dollars for the right to live here. The long-term effect of this trend promises to be devastating both culturally and economically to the natural citizens of this country. It is a problem that should be aired and dealt with immediately.