Trust Territory

Anju was a man to watch

Anju was a man to watch

Journal 10/15/1973 P1 Marshall Islands museum nears completion A sprawling gray structure with a yellow-green roof, supported one story off the ground by concrete posts, and with the heavy, blank look that only unpainted concrete can have — this is the new Marshall Islands museum as it nears completion at its site near Uliga Protestant […]

Shipping in TT being neglected

Shipping in TT being neglected

Journal 12/3/1974 P1 Shipping in TT marked by neglect After completing a 24-day survey of shipping services and port facilities through Micronesia last week, Truk Representative Sasauo Haruo said, “neglect, a lack of funds and misplaced priorities” by the Trust Territory and US government have resulted in “an obsolete fleet, generally inadequate port facilities, and […]