By Journal on January 17, 2019
Chinese-flagged, Ou Ya Leng No. 6, Taka Atoll
News Archive

Since a Chinese-flagged fishing vessel grounded at Taka Atoll two weeks ago, the RMI government has taken steps to identify and deal with the environmental effects caused by the stranded 308-foot vessel. Ou Ya Leng No. 6 hit the reef at Taka, an uninhabited atoll next to Utrok, on January 3 and remains stuck on […]
By Journal on January 17, 2019
Hilda Heine, Marshall Islands Holdings, Patrick Chen, Ralik Ratak Fishing Company
News Archive

The Ralik Ratak Fishing Company celebrated arrival of its new longline fishing vessel Wednesday at Uliga Dock. A line up of top RMI VIPs, led by President Hilda Heine, were on hand for speeches, dances, and food.
By Journal on January 11, 2019
Bush Administration, Gerald Zackios, Jeff Bingaman, Marc Grossman, nuclear, nuclear petition, nuclear test, nuclear victims
Back In The Day

Journal 1/6/1982 P1 Majuro prepared but no waves Thousands of people left the capital early New Year’s morning, looking for shelter in Laura as wave threat warnings were being broadcast over radio station WSZO.
By Journal on January 11, 2019
News Archive

Trends in case filings in the RMI High Court show customary adoptions escalating while international adoptions declined to a many-year low in 2018.
By Journal on January 10, 2019
Canvasback, Dilia Mares, Kyle Bing, red cross, Roger Muller, Samuel Hanchor, Wellness Center
News Archive

KELLY LORENNIJ Canvasback Wellness Center and Marshall Islands Red Cross Society signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) last week Thursday that bring in two Red Cross volunteers to train as farmer-instructors who will manage gardening classes for public elementary schools.
By Journal on January 10, 2019
fisheries, Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority, MIMRA, Pacific International Inc.
Feature Articles

Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority staff began moving into their new three-story headquarters located in Delap at the end of last week, as construction work is largely completed.
By Journal on January 10, 2019
aground, Ben Graham, fish carrier, Ou Ya Leng No. 6, Sam Lanwi, Shen Lian Cheng 737, Taka Atoll
News Archive

GIFF JOHNSON The 24-man crew of a Chinese-flagged fish carrier vessel that ran aground last week at Taka Atoll in the northern Marshall Islands was rescued over the weekend by Marshall Islands Sea Patrol’s Lomor patrol boat and a Chinese fishing vessel. The crew of the Ou Ya Leng No. 6, a Chinese-flagged fish carrier, […]
By Journal on January 4, 2019
Ben Graham, Georgetown University, women salary
Back In The Day

Journal 1/1/1982 P1 More spending, less singing Christmas and money; money and Christmas. There seems to be a correlation between the two. In the few days before Christmas, stores around the capital were crowded with shoppers, particularly at Robert Reimers store. People were buying like crazy. Taxies that normally make $15 or $20 a day […]
By Journal on January 4, 2019
Carl Ingram, Milton Zackios, Tarry Paul, Witten Philippo
Feature Articles

Judges in the court room: District Court Presiding Judge Milton Zackios (second from left) retired from the bench in late December after 15 years as a judge. With him on his last day at work, was, from left: High Court Chief Justice Carl Ingram, Zackios, District Court Judge Tarry Paul, and High Court Judge Witten […]
By Journal on January 3, 2019
Christmas Parade, Trust Company of the Marshall Islands
News Archive

Trust Company of the Marshall Islands stepped up and hosted this year’s annual Christmas parade — joining long-time parade sponsor Chamber of Commerce. The candy-filled armada had a massive police force trailing behind and in between vehicles to ensure safety from potential dangers.