P1 Bad news for Bikini
Islanders returning to Bikini Atoll may be asked to comply with additional restrictions on diet and living areas as a result of a recent radiological follow up survey conducted by the Energy Research and Development Administration (formerly Atomic Energy Commission) in June.
P7 Jabwor wakens former shadow of prominence
Excitement, tangible tendrils of things happening, the dawn of another awakening. This is the scene of the former capital of the Marshall Islands where a new high school facility, built by Hanil Construction Company, was readied for inspection this week. The work thus far on the high school represents phases I and II. Still to be built is an administration building, gymnasium and three dormitories. If things go on schedule, Jabwor High School will be opening this September. Pete Oliver, a long-time teacher and former Peace Corps Volunteer, will be principal at the new school.
P9 Oh where, oh where will the capital be?
The contest to capture the future capital of Micronesia took an unexpected turn at the Micronesian Constitutional Convention August 21, when a new candidate entered the competition. The latest district to bid for the capital is none other than Saipan, site of the current headquarters. A resolution introduced by Marianas delegates argued that Saipan should be designated the permanent capital of Micronesia. The entry of Saipan into a capital sweepstakes means that five of the six current districts of Micronesia had at one time or another expressed desire to hold the capital. The Marshalls is being touted as the only district which has not made a bid for hosting the future national government.
Journal 8/28/1992
P6 AMI flight attendant complete Air New Zealand training
Nine AMI flight attendants graduated last week from a four-week training program, including: Newona Tabu, Nerling Yates, Mary Jacklick, Janerose Calep, Michelle Silk, Beulah Kalles, Chris Jacob, Andrew Petersen and Rodney Muller.
P11 Construction men
Charles Domnick wasted little time in getting construction going on a new building extension once a residential home was removed next to his grocery and tape rental shop in Uliga. The two-story facility is well on its way to completion.
P19 Donation to RMI
Ambassador Peter Stanford handed keys to R&D Minister Kunio Lemari for a sweeping truck that will be used to clean the airport’s runway in Majuro. The donation is part of Australia’s aid program for the Marshalls.
P20 The boat with no name
Vincent Reimers newly refurbished 40-foot boat was blessed and launched last Friday in Majuro. He says it will be used for fishing, charters and jambos. The former Navy launch doesn’t have a name yet, but Reimers says that’ll be taken care of in due time. Robert Reimers joined son Vincent for the launching.
Journal 8/22/2003
P1 Soldier of our fortune
Finance Secretary Saeko Shoniber says her ministry is “solving the big problems” and making significant progress as the latest Deloitte and Touche audit — which identifies 32 problem areas — is delivered to Nitijela..
P2 Working out how to stay fit
No more talk, just do it. That’s what the Women’s Athletic Club has done. In the morning, WAC ladies are heading to the ECC gym for exercise. Among the women at a recent exercise session: Bobo Aliven, Rosalie deBrum, Erma Myazoe, Cathy Wakefield and Lena deBrum.
P6 Trash stuffs Ebeye sewers
Clothes, trash, rocks and pieces of wood in Ebeye’s sewer system have forced occasional shutdown of the island’s sewage system, with some overflow on the road.